
第63章 Chapter XI The Idol of the South(1)

Photographs and autographs in demand--The General's interest in young people--His happy home life--Labours at Washington College--He gains financial aid for it--Worsley's translation of Homer dedicated to him--Tributes from other English scholars The people of Virginia and of the entire South were continually giving evidence of their intense love for General Lee. From all nations, even from the Northern States, came to him marks of admiration and respect. Just at this time he received many applications for his photograph with autograph attached. I believe there were none of the little things in life so irksome to him as having his picture taken in any way, but, when able to comply, he could not refuse to do what was asked of him by those who were willing and anxious to do so much for him.

In the following letter the photographs referred to had been sent to him for his signature, from a supply that my mother generally kept on hand. She was often asked for them by those who very considerately desired to save my father the trouble:

"Lexington, November 21, 1865.

"My Dear Mary: I have just received your letter of the 17th, and return the photographs with my signatures. I wrote to you by the boat of yesterday morning. I also sent you a packet of letters by Captain Wilkinson [commander of the canal packet], which also ought to have reached you to-day. I have nothing to add to my former letters, and only write now that you may receive the photos before you leave. I answered Agnes' letter immediately, and inclosed her several letters.

I was in hopes she had made up her mind to eschew weddings and stick to her pap. I do not think she can help little Sallie. Besides, she will not take the oath--how can she get married? The wedding party from this place go down in the boat to-night to Lynchburg--Miss Williamson and Captain Eoff. They are to be married in church at eight P. M. and embark at eleven. I wish them a pleasant passage and am glad I am not of the party. The scenery along the river will no doubt be cheering and agreeable. I think the repairs of the house will be completed this week; should the furniture arrive, it will be habitable next. The weather is still beautiful, which is in our favour. I am glad Caroline is so promising. I have engaged no servant here yet, nor have I found one to my liking. we can get some of some kind, and do better when we can. I have heard nothing of the wedding at 'Belmead,' and do not think Preston will go. Mrs. Cocke is very well, but the furniture she intends for your room is not yet completed.

It will be more comfortable and agreeable to you to go at once to the house on your arrival. But if there is anything to make it more desirable for you to come before the house is ready, you must come to the hotel. If we could only get comfortable weather in December, it would be better not to go into the house until it is dry, the paint hard, etc. It will require all this week to get the wood done; then it must be scoured, etc., and the furniture properly arranged. Tell Rob he will soon be well. He must cheer up and come and see his papa.

Give my love to Mrs. Cocke, Miss Mary, etc., etc. Tell Agnes, if she thinks Sallie is IN EXTREMIS, to go to her. I do not want her to pass away, but it is a great disappointment to me not to have her with me.

I am getting very old and infirm now, and she had better come to her papa and take care of him.

"Most affectionately yours, R. E. Lee.

"Mrs. M. C. Lee."

My father was always greatly interested in the love affairs of his relatives, friends, and acquaintances. His letters during the war show this in very many ways. One would suppose that the general commanding an army in active operations could not find the time even to think of such trifles, much less to write about them; but he knew of very many such affairs among his officers and even his men, and would on occasion refer to them before the parties themselves, very much to their surprise and discomfiture. Bishop Peterkin, of West Virginia, who served on the staff of General Pendleton, tells me of the following instances, in illustration of this characteristic:

"It was in the winter of 1863-4, when we were camped near Orange Court House, that, meeting the General after I had come back from a short visit to Richmond, he asked after my father, and then said, 'Did you see Miss ---?' and I replied, 'No, sir; I did not.' Then again, 'Did you see Miss ---?' and when I still replied 'No,' he added, with a smile, 'How exceedingly busy you must have been.'

"Again--at the cavalry review at Brandy Station, on June 8, 1863--we had galloped all around the lines, when the General took his post for the 'march past,' and all the staff in attendance grouped themselves about him. There being no special orders about our positions, I got pretty near the General. I noticed that several times he turned and looked toward an ambulance near us, filled with young girls. At At last, after regiments and brigades had gone by, the Horse Artillery came up. The General turned and, finding me near him, said, 'Go and tell that young lady with the blue ribbon in her hat that such-and-such a battery is coming.'

"I rode up and saluted the young lady. There was great surprise shown by the entire party, as I was not known to any of them, and when I came out with my message there was a universal shout, while the General looked on with a merry twinkle in his eye. It was evidently the following up on his part of some joke which he had with the young lady about an officer in this battery."

My mother had arranged to start for Lexington on November 28th, via the canal, but for some reason was prevented on that day. In his next letter, my father, who was most anxious that she should make the journey before the bad weather set in, expresses his disappointment at not finding her on the packet on the expected morning.

"Lexington, Virginia, November 20, 1865.

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    蒋中天是个人到中年却一事无成的杂志编辑,而刚刚带着百万巨款从深圳回来的儿时好友洪原给了他个机会,邀请他一起做本新杂志。可是蒋中天却带着巨款潜逃了,还抛下了同居女友文馨。洪原没有报警,不过他和文馨计划了一次惊人的复仇,只等蒋天中回来。 多年后,快花光钱的蒋中天回来了,复仇计划开始实施。于是,在蒋中天的身边发生了“酒店遇女鬼”、“把墓地当别墅”等一系列不可思议的鬼怪事件,终于他经受不住打击疯了。洪原和文馨虽然没有拿回钱,不过却满意复仇的效果,并相爱了。可是那些原本是他们装神弄鬼搞出来的怪事并没有停止,并继续困扰着他们。于是,洪原想起当初他在深圳弄到这笔百万巨款时,也是用不择手段的方法。难道那个被他引到鲨鱼海域被鲨鱼咬死的深圳女老板,也来找他复仇了吗?而那个曾经有着变性人历史的女老板又有什么秘密呢……
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