
第98章 The Magic Book(2)

'Wait and you'll see, mother,' answered her husband.Then Peder took the ladder that led up to the hayloft and set it against the cow's neck, and he climbed up and slipped the rope over her head.When he had made sure that the noose was fast they started for the palace, and met the king himself walking in his grounds.

'I heard that the princess was going to be married,' said Peder, 'so I've brought your majesty a cow which is bigger than any cow that was ever seen.Will your majesty deign to buy it?'

The king had, in truth, never seen so large a beast, and he willingly paid the thousand dollars, which was the price demanded; but Peder remembered to take off the halter before he left.After he was gone the king sent for the butcher and told him to kill the animal for the wedding feast.The butcher got ready his pole-axe; but just as he was going to strike, the cow changed itself into a dove and flew away, and the butcher stood staring after it as if he were turned to stone.

However, as the dove could not be found, he was obliged to tell the king what had happened, and the king in his turn despatched messengers to capture the old man and bring him back.But Peder was safe in the woods, and could not be found.When at last he felt the danger was over, and he might go home, Kirsten nearly fainted with joy at the sight of all the money he brought with him.

'Now that we are rich people we must build a bigger house,' cried she;and was vexed to find that Peder only shook his head and said: 'No; if they did that people would talk, and say they had got their wealth by ill-doing.'

A few mornings later Hans came again.

'Be off before you get us into trouble,' said his father.'So far the money has come right enough, but I don't trust it.'

'Don't worry over that, father,' said Hans.'To-morrow you will find a horse outside by the gate.Ride it to market and you will get a thousand dollars for it.Only don't forget to loosen the bridle when you sell it.'

Well, in the morning there was the horse; Kirsten had never seen so find an animal.'Take care it doesn't hurt you, Peder,' said she.

'Nonsense, wife,' answered he crossly.'When I was a lad I lived with horses, and could ride anything for twenty miles round.' But that was not quite the truth, for he had never mounted a horse in his life.

Still, the animal was quiet enough, so Peder got safely to market on its back.There he met a man who offered nine hundred and ninety-nine dollars for it, but Peder would take nothing less than a thousand.At last there came an old, grey-bearded man who looked at the horse and agreed to buy it; but the moment he touched it the horse began to kick and plunge.'I must take the bridle off,' said Peder.'It is not to be sold with the animal as is usually the case.'

'I'll give you a hundred dollars for the bridle,' said the old man, taking out his purse.

'No, I can't sell it,' replied Hans's father.

'Five hundred dollars!'


'A thousand!'

At this splendid offer Peder's prudence gave way; it was a shame to let so much money go.So he agreed to accept it.But he could hardly hold the horse, it became so unmanageable.So he gave the animal in charge to the old man, and went home with his two thousand dollars.

Kirsten, of course, was delighted at this new piece of good fortune, and insisted that the new house should be built and land bought.This time Peder consented, and soon they had quite a fine farm.

Meanwhile the old man rode off on his new purchase, and when he came to a smithy he asked the smith to forge shoes for the horse.The smith proposed that they should first have a drink together, and the horse was tied up by the spring whilst they went indoors.The day was hot, and both men were thirsty, and, besides, they had much to say; and so the hours slipped by and found them still talking.Then the servant girl came out to fetch a pail of water, and, being a kind- hearted lass, she gave some to the horse to drink.What was her surprise when the animal said to her: 'Take off my bridle and you will save my life.'

'I dare not,' said she; 'your master will be so angry.'

'He cannot hurt you,' answered the horse, 'and you will save my life.'

At that she took off the bridle; but nearly fainted with astonishment when the horse turned into a dove and flew away just as the old man came out of the house.Directly he saw what had happened he changed himself into a hawk and flew after the dove.Over the woods and fields they went, and at length they reached a king's palace surrounded by beautiful gardens.The princess was walking with her attendants in the rose garden when the dove turned itself into a gold ring and fell at her feet.

'Why, here is a ring!' she cried, 'where could it have come from?' And picking it up she put it on her finger.As she did so the hill-man lost his power over Hans--for of course you understand that it was he who had been the dog, the cow, the horse and the dove.

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