
第128章 CHAPTER LIV(2)

Seeing a kind of ranger, we inquired of him what it was necessary for us to do, and by his direction proceeded to the southern side of the castle, and rung the bell at a small gate. The southern side had a far more antique appearance than the western; huge towers with small windows, and partly covered with ivy, frowned down upon us. A servant making his appearance, I inquired whether we could see the house; he said we could, and that the housekeeper would show it to us in a little time but that at present she was engaged. We entered a large quadrangular court: on the left-hand side was a door and staircase leading into the interior of the building, and farther on was a gateway, which was no doubt the principal entrance from the park. On the eastern side of the spacious court was a kennel, chained to which was an enormous dog, partly of the bloodhound, partly of the mastiff species, who occasionally uttered a deep magnificent bay. As the sun was hot, we took refuge from it under the gateway, the gate of which, at the further end, towards the park, was closed. Here my wife and daughter sat down on a small brass cannon, seemingly a six-pounder, which stood on a very dilapidated carriage; from the appearance of the gun, which was of an ancient form, and very much battered, and that of the carriage, I had little doubt that both had been in the castle at the time of the siege. As my two loved ones sat, Iwalked up and down, recalling to my mind all I had heard and read in connection with this castle. I thought of its gallant defence against the men of Oliver; I thought of its roaring hospitality in the time of the fourth Sir Thomas; and I thought of the many beauties who had been born in its chambers, had danced in its halls, had tripped across its court, and had subsequently given heirs to illustrious families.

At last we were told that she housekeeper was waiting for us. The housekeeper, who was a genteel, good-looking young woman, welcomed us at the door which led into the interior of the house. After we had written our names, she showed us into a large room or hall on the right-hand side on the ground floor, where were some helmets and ancient halberts, and also some pictures of great personages.

The floor was of oak, and so polished and slippery, that walking upon it was attended with some danger. Wishing that John Jones, our faithful attendant, who remained timidly at the doorway, should participate with us in the wonderful sights we were about to see, Iinquired of the housekeeper whether he might come with us. She replied with a smile that it was not the custom to admit guides into the apartments, but that he might come, provided he chose to take off his shoes; adding, that the reason she wished him to take off his shoes was, an apprehension that if he kept them on he would injure the floors with their rough nails. She then went to John Jones, and told him in English that he might attend us, provided he took off his shoes; poor John, however, only smiled and said "Dim Saesneg!""You must speak to him in your native language," said I, "provided you wish him to understand you - he has no English.""I am speaking to him in my native language," said the young housekeeper, with another smile - "and if he has no English, I have no Welsh.""Then you are English?" said I.

"Yes," she replied, "a native of London.""Dear me," said I. "Well, it's no bad thing to be English after all; and as for not speaking Welsh, there are many in Wales who would be glad to have much less Welsh than they have." I then told John Jones the condition on which he might attend us, whereupon he took off his shoes with great glee and attended us, holding them in his hand.

We presently went upstairs, to what the housekeeper told us was the principal drawing-room, and a noble room it was, hung round with the portraits of kings and queens, and the mighty of the earth.

Here, on canvas, was noble Mary, the wife of William of Orange, and her consort by her side, whose part like a true wife she always took. Here was wretched Mary of Scotland, the murderess of her own lord. Here were the two Charleses and both the Dukes of Ormond -the great Duke who fought stoutly in Ireland against Papist and Roundhead; and the Pretender's Duke who tried to stab his native land, and died a foreign colonel. And here, amongst other daughters of the house, was the very proud daughter of the house, the Warwick Dowager who married the Spectator, and led him the life of a dog. She looked haughty and cold, and not particularly handsome; but I could not help gazing with a certain degree of interest and respect on the countenance of the vixen, who served out the gentility worshipper in such prime style. Many were the rooms which we entered, of which I shall say nothing, save that they were noble in size and rich in objects of interest. At last we came to what was called the picture gallery. It was a long panelled room, extending nearly the whole length of the northern side. The first thing which struck us on entering was the huge skin of a lion stretched out upon the floor; the head, however, which was towards the door, was stuffed, and with its monstrous teeth looked so formidable and life-like, that we were almost afraid to touch it. Against every panel was a portrait; amongst others was that of Sir Thomas Middleton, the stout governor of the castle, during the time of the siege. Near to it was the portrait of his rib, Dame Middleton. Farther down on the same side were two portraits of Nell Gwynn; the one painted when she was a girl; the other when she had attained a more mature age. They were both by Lely, the Apelles of the Court of wanton Charles. On the other side was one of the Duke of Gloucester, the son of Queen Anne, who, had he lived, would have kept the Georges from the throne. In this gallery on the southern side was a cabinet of ebony and silver, presented by Charles the Second to the brave warrior Sir Thomas, and which, according to tradition, cost seven thousand pounds.

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  • 不再当公主之公主与灰姑娘


    出生在同样拥有繁星闪烁的夜晚,一个是公主,一个却是平民。也许是命中注定了的吧!可是公主又如何,灰姑娘又怎么样!在友情面前,永不干涸的感情之泉源,深沉的心之默契,愉快的灵魂之交流,她们演绎平等、纯洁、真诚、关怀的友谊之爱。顾嘉星的旁系兄妹顾永恒和顾佳兴在第二个学期来到了她所就读的名扬学校,成为了她的同班同学。顾佳兴还口口声声地说是回来抢自己小姐姐顾嘉星的幸福的,她和顾嘉星之间到底有着什么情结?曾经在物理竞赛中打败姜宇光的Science King也来到了名扬学校,他又是抱着什么样的目的而来?顾嘉星是一个出生于豪门贵族,生活在上流文明高雅中西思想相结合的环境中,成长在幸福安逸美好的家境里的“小公主”。优越的生活成长环境,让她成为了一个思想纯真、憧憬美好事物、乐观健康向上、富有正义感、心地善良、活泼可爱的少女。游晓星是顾嘉星主保姆乔雅未婚先孕的女儿,乔雅和顾嘉星的母亲李欣雨是深交好朋友。在游晓星出生一个月后,走投无路的乔雅来到李欣雨面前求助。李欣雨同情怜惜自己的好朋友,不想让她们母女两在外受苦,便要求她和她的女儿留在顾家大庄园,顺便照顾自己刚出生的女儿顾嘉星。游晓星自幼体弱多病,寄人篱下的感觉让她心地善良、多愁善感、文静而明事理。游晓星比顾嘉星大一个月,但她们都出生在一个拥有美丽繁星的夜晚。出生在相同的夜晚,却是不同的命运归宿——一个是公主,一个是灰姑娘。因游晓星自幼体弱多病,顾嘉星的爷爷顾年要求将她和自己心爱的孙女小公主隔开,才允许乔雅母女留下,并签了合同。天真无邪的童年相遇相知,没有让那合同给阻止,顾嘉星的活泼亲昵给文静胆小懂事的游晓星带来了一份温馨关爱的友情。顾嘉星因是顾氏集团未来的继承人,倍受其爷爷顾年的保护,一直在家中授着不同的学习教育。她不懂世态炎凉,不懂人心复杂。顾年担心再让她生活在这样优越安逸的环境中,将来会毁了她一生,便狠心在她十四岁那年定出“三年自由约”,让她过上平凡普通的生活,让她在这平凡普通的生活中懂得书本上学不到的道理,懂得世间的冷暖,让她的思想逐渐成熟起来。(本故事的起因)令顾嘉星欣喜的是,她和游晓星之间微妙纯真的友谊感动了顾年,顾年没有追究游晓星违反合同的事情,反而答应顾嘉星,让她和游晓星一起去过上平凡普通的生活。