

She looked furtively around her, as the treacherous, blasphemous thoughts rushed through her mind, fearful that someone might find them written clearly upon her face. Oh, why couldn't she feel like these other women!They were whole hearted and sincere in their devotion to the Cause.They really meant everything they said and did.And if anyone should ever suspect that she—No, no one must ever know!She must go on making a pretense of enthusiasm and pride in the Cause which she could not feel, acting out her part of the widow of a Confederate officer who bears her grief bravely, whose heart is in the grave, who feels that her husband's death meant nothing if it aided the Cause to triumph.

Oh, why was she different, apart from these loving women?She could never love anything or anyone so selflessly as they did. What a lonely feeling it was—and she had never been lonely in either body or spirit before.At first she tried to stifle the thoughts, but the hard self-honesty that lay at the base of her nature would not permit it.And so, while the bazaar went on, while she and Melanie waited on the customers who came to their booth, her mind was busily working.trying to justify herself to herself—a task which she seldom found difficult.

The other women were simply silly and hysterical with their talk of patriotism and the Cause, and the men were almost as bad with their talk of vital issues and States'Rights. She, Scarlett O'Hara Hamilton, alone had good hard-headed Irish sense.She wasn't going to make a fool out of herself aboutthe Cause, but neither was she going to make a fool out of herself by admitting her true feelings.She was hard headed enough to be practical about the situation, and no one would ever know how she felt.How surprised the bazaar would be if they knew what she really was thinking!How shocked if she suddenly climbed on the bandstand and declared that she thought the war ought to stop, so everybody could go home and tend to their cotton and there could be parties and beaux again and plenty of pale green dresses.

For a moment, her self-justification buoyed her up but still she looked about the hall with distaste. The McLure girls'booth was inconspicuous, as Mrs.Merriwether had said, and there were long intervals when no one came to their corner and Scarlett had nothing to do but look enviously on the happy throng.Melanie sensed her moodiness but, crediting it to longing for Charlie, did not try to engage her in conversation.She busied herself arranging the articles in the booth in more attractive display, while Scarlett sat and looked glumly around the room.Even the banked flowers below the pictures of Mr.Davis and Mr.Stephens displeased her.

“It looks like an altar,”she sniffed.“And the way they all carry on about those two, they might as well be the Father and the Son!”Then smitten with sudden fright at her irreverence she began hastily to cross herself by way of apology but caught herself in time.

“Well, it's true,”she argued with her conscience.“Everybody carries on like they were holy and they aren't anything but men, and mighty unattractive looking ones at that.”

Of course, Mr. Stephens couldn't help how he looked for he had been an invalid all his life, but Mr.Davis—She looked up at the cameo clean, proud face.It was his goatee that annoyed her the most.Men should either be clean shaven, mustached or wear full beards.

“That little wisp looks like it was just the best he could do,”she thought, not seeing in his face the cold hard intelligence that was carrying the weight of a new nation.

No, she was not happy now, and at first she had been radiant with the pleasure of being in a crowd. Now just being present was not enough.She was at the bazaar but not a part of it.No one paid her any attention and she was theonly young unmarried woman present who did not have a beau.And all her life she had enjoyed the center of the stage.It wasn't fair!She was seventeen years old and her feet were patting the floor, wanting to skip and dance.She was seventeen years old and she had a husband lying at Oakland Cemetery and a baby in his cradle at Aunt Pittypat's and everyone thought she should be content with her lot.She had a whiter bosom and a smaller waist and a tinier foot than any girl present, but for all they mattered she might just as well be lying beside Charles with“Beloved Wife of”carved over her.

She wasn't a girl who could dance and flirt and she wasn't a wife who could sit with other wives and criticize the dancing and flirting girls. And she wasn't old enough to be a widow.Widows should be old—so terribly old they didn't want to dance and flirt and be admired.Oh, it wasn't fair that she should have to sit here primly and be the acme of widowed dignity and propriety when she was only seventeen.It wasn’t fair that she must keep her voice low and her eyes cast modestly down, when men, attractive ones, too, came to their booth.

Every girl in Atlanta was three deep in men. Even the plainest girls were carrying on like belles—and, oh, worst of all, they were carrying on in such lovely, lovely dresses!

Here she sat like a crow with hot black taffeta to her wrists and buttoned up to her chin, with not even a hint of lace or braid, not a jewel except Ellen's onyx mourning brooch, watching tacky-looking girls hanging on the arms of goodlooking men. All because Charles Hamilton had had the measles.He didn't even die in a fine glow of gallantry in battle, so she could brag about him.

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