

THE township of Haverhill, even as late as the close of the seventeenth century, was a frontier settlement, occupying an advanced position in the great wilderness, which, unbroken by the clearing of a white man, extended from the Merrimac River to the French villages on the St.Francois.A tract of twelve miles on the river and three or four northwardly was occupied by scattered settlers, while in the centre of the town a compact village had grown up.In the immediate vicinity there were but few Indians, and these generally peaceful and inoffensive.On the breaking out of the Narragansett War,(1) the inhabitants had erected fortifications, and taken other measures for defence; but, with the possible exception of one man who was found slain in the woods in 1676, none of the inhabitants were molested; and it was not until about the year 1689 that the safety of the settlement was seriously threatened.Three persons were killed in that year.In 1690 six garrisons were established in different parts of the town, with a small company of soldiers attached to each.Two of these houses are still standing.They were built of brick, two stories high, with a single outside door, so small and narrow that but one person could enter at a time; the windows few, and only about two and a half feet long by eighteen inches wide, with thick diamond glass secured with lead, and crossed inside with bars of iron.The basement had but two rooms, and the chamber was entered by a ladder instead of stairs; so that the inmates, if driven thither, could cut off communication with the rooms below.Many private houses were strengthened and fortified.We remember one familiar to our boyhood,--a venerable old building of wood, with brick between the weather-boards and ceiling, with a massive balustrade over the door, constructed of oak timber and plank, with holes through the latter for firing upon assailants.The door opened upon a stone-paved hall, or entry, leading into the huge single room of the basement, which was lighted by two small windows, the ceiling black with the smoke of a century and a half; a huge fireplace, calculated for eight-feet wood, occupying one entire side; while, overhead, suspended from the timbers, or on shelves fastened to them, were household stores, farming utensils, fishing-rods, guns, bunches of herbs gathered perhaps a century ago, strings of dried apples and pumpkins, links of mottled sausages, spare-ribs, and flitches of bacon; the fire-light of an evening dimly revealing the checked woollen coverlet of the bed in one far-off corner, while in another--"The pewter plates on the dresser Caught and reflected the flame as shields of armies the sunshine."(2)(1) The "Narragansett War" was a name applied to that part of King Philip's War which resulted from the defection of the powerful tribe of Narragansetts, formerly allies of the English, to the standard of the Indian chief.

(2) Longfellow's *Evangeline,* lines 205, 206.

Tradition has preserved many incidents of life in the garrisons.In times of unusual peril the settlers generally resorted at night to the fortified houses, taking thither their flocks and herds and such household valuables as were most likely to strike the fancy or minister to the comfort or vanity of the heathen marauders.False alarms were frequent.The smoke of a distant fire, the bark of a dog in the deep woods, a stump or bush, taking in the uncertain light of stars and moon the appearance of a man, were sufficient to spread alarm through the entire settlement and to cause the armed men of the garrison to pass whole nights in sleepless watching.It is said that at Haselton's garrison-house the sentinel on duty saw, as he thought, an Indian inside of the paling which surrounded the building, and apparently seeking to gain an entrance.He promptly raised his musket and fired at the intruder, alarming thereby the entire garrison.The women and children left their beds, and the men seized their guns and commenced firing on the suspicious object; but it seemed to bear a charmed life, and remained unharmed.As the morning dawned, however, the mystery was solved by the discovery of a black quilted petticoat hanging on the clothes-line completely riddled with balls.

As a matter of course, under circumstances of perpetual alarm and frequent peril, the duty of cultivating their fields, and gathering their harvests, and working at their mechanical avocations, was dangerous and difficult to the settlers.One instance will serve as an illustration.At the garrison-house of Thomas Dustin, the husband of the far-famed Mary Dustin (who, while a captive of the Indians, and maddened by the murder of her infant child, killed and scalped, wit the assistance of a young boy, the entire band of her captors, ten in number), the business of brick-making was carried on.The pits where the clay was found were only a few rods from the house;yet no man ventured to bring the clay to the yard within the inclosure, without the attendance of a file of soldiers.An anecdote relating to this garrison has been handed down to the present time.

Among its inmates were two young cousins, Joseph and Mary Whittaker; the latter a merry, handsome girl, relieving the tedium of garrison-duty with her light-hearted mirthfulness and--"Making a sunshine in that shady place."(1)(1) "Her angel's face As the great eye of heaven shyned bright And made a sunshine in the shadie place;Did never mortal eye behold such heavenly grace."Spenser: *The Faerie Queene,* bk.I.canto iii.st.4.

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    尹文漓原以为能过上丰衣足食的好日子,却不想在一夜间遭遇了满门被灭、手足背叛之事。即便从小练武也禁不住那样的追杀,心灰意冷中,又是李隆范伸出了援手,救了她。本以为逃脱了,却进入另一个漩涡。为报仇,她借机亲近来王府做客的太子李隆基,并且设计跟李隆基回宫。在皇宫内,妃子争权、宫廷暗斗、朝堂诡谲,她看似不愿深陷斗争,却在暗中一步步将王皇后、赵丽妃和皇甫德仪送入冷宫和地狱。隐忍后的反击,委身于李隆基,不惜以腹中胎儿做筹码,甚至与假意相好的武惠兰同流合污。 为了不连累李隆范几次三番做出决绝之事,可是他始终温柔地守候着她。就算到最后,她自刎于殿前,他依旧履行诺言前来接她。
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