

Mr. Bailey was gone, and had been succeeded (such is the decay of human greatness!) by an old woman whose name was reported to be Tamaroo--which seemed an impossibility. Indeed it appeared in the fulness of time that the jocular boarders had appropriated the word from an English ballad, in which it is supposed to express the bold and fiery nature of a certain hackney coachman; and that it was bestowed upon Mr. Bailey's successor by reason of her having nothing fiery about her, except an occasional attack of that fire which is called St. Anthony's. This ancient female had been engaged, in fulfilment of a vow, registered by Mrs. Todgers, that no more boys should darken the commercial doors; and she was chiefly remarkable for a total absence of all comprehension upon every subject whatever. She was a perfect Tomb for messages and small parcels; and when dispatched to the Post Office with letters, had been frequently seen endeavouring to insinuate them into casual chinks in private doors, under the delusion that any door with a hole in it would answer the purpose. She was a very little old woman, and always wore a very coarse apron with a bib before and a loop behind, together with bandages on her wrists, which appeared to be afflicted with an everlasting sprain. She was on all occasions chary of opening the street-door, and ardent to shut it again; and she waited at table in a bonnet.

This was the only great change over and above the change which had fallen on the youngest gentleman. As for him, he more than corroborated the account of Mrs. Todgers: possessing greater sensibility than even she had given him credit for. He entertained some terrible notions of Destiny, among other matters, and talked much about people's `Missions:' upon which he seemed to have some private information not generally attainable, as he knew it had been poor Merry's mission to crush him in the bud. He was very frail and tearful; for being aware that a shepherd's mission was to pipe to his flocks, and that a boatswain's mission was to pipe all hands, and that one man's mission was to be a paid piper, and another man's mission was to pay the piper, so he had got it into his head that his own peculiar mission was to pipe his eye. Which he did perpetually.

He often informed Mrs. Todgers that the sun had set upon him; that the billows had rolled over him; that the Car of Juggernaut had crushed him, and also that the deadly Upas tree of Java had blighted him. His name was Moddle.

Towards this most unhappy Moddle, Miss Pecksniff conducted herself at first with distant haughtiness, being in no humour to be entertained with dirges in honour of her married sister. The poor young gentleman was additionally crushed by this, and remonstrated with Mrs. Todgers on the subject.

`Even she turns from me, Mrs. Todgers,' said Moddle.

`Then why don't you try and be a little bit more cheerful, sir?' retorted Mrs. Todgers.

`Cheerful, Mrs. Todgers! cheerful!' cried the youngest gentleman; `when she reminds me of days for ever fled, Mrs. Todgers!'

`Then you had better avoid her for a short time, if she does,' said Mrs Todgers, `and come to know her again, by degrees. That's my advice.'

`But I can't avoid her,' replied Moddle, `I haven't strength of mind to do it. Oh, Mrs. Todgers, if you knew what a comfort her nose is to me!'

`Her nose, sir!' Mrs. Todgers cried.

`Her profile, in general,' said the youngest gentleman, `but particularly her nose. It's so like;' here he yielded to a burst of grief. `it's so like hers who is Another's, Mrs. Todgers!'

The observant matron did not fail to report this conversation to Charity, who laughed at the time, but treated Mr. Moddle that very evening with increased consideration, and presented her side-face to him as much as possible. Mr. Moddle was not less sentimental than usual; was rather more so, if anything; but he sat and stared at her with glistening eyes, and seemed grateful.

`Well, sir!' said the lady of the Boarding-House next day. `You held up your head last night. You're coming round, I think.'

`Only because she's so like her who is Another's, Mrs. Todgers,' rejoined the youth. `When she talks, and when she smiles, I think I'm looking on HER brow again, Mrs. Todgers.'

This was likewise carried to Charity, who talked and smiled next evening in her most engaging manner, and rallying Mr. Moddle on the lowness of his spirits, challenged him to play a rubber at cribbage. Mr. Moddle taking up the gauntlet, they played several rubbers for sixpences, and Charity won them all. This may have been partially attributable to the gallantry of the youngest gentleman, but it was certainly referable to the state of his feelings also: for his eyes being frequently dimmed by tears, he thought that aces were tens, and knaves queens, which at times occasioned some confusion in his play.

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    大学的一次相聚,成就了初末和流年的再遇。三年前,她是他最宠爱的“末宝”;三年后,却变成了他最恨的女人。杨初末再次回来的时候,他依旧是那个万众瞩目的钢琴天神,却不是把她视为“末宝”的慕流年了。他变得对她极度冷漠、轻视和疏远,让她眼睁睁地看着他跟别的女人的亲昵,这深深地伤了初末的心。 为了让自己变得更好,初末踏入钢琴界,只为缩短两人之间的差距。却不想她的努力换回的并不是他的肯定,而是各种扑面而来的流言蜚语,其中真真假假,假假真真,将她离开的三年间发生的一切全然曝光……
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