

"Oh, chuck it!" Furley intervened. "The intelligence department in charge of this bit of coast doesn't do things like that. What you want to remember, Julian, is to keep your mouth shut. I shall have a chap over to see me this afternoon, and I shall make a report to him."

"All the same," persisted Julian, "we - or rather I - was without a doubt a witness to an act of treason. By some subtle means connected with what seemed to be a piece of gas pipe, I have seen communication with the enemy established."

"You don't know that it was the enemy at all," Furley grunted.

"For us others," Julian replied, "there exists the post office, the telegraph office and the telephone. I decline to believe that any reasonable person would put out upon the sea in weather like last night's for the sake of delivering a letter to any harmless inhabitant of these regions. I will have my sensation, you see, Furley. I have suffered - thank heavens mine is a thick skull! - and I will not be cheated of my compensations."

"Well, keep your mouth shut, there's a good fellow, until after I have made my report to the Intelligence Officer," Furley begged.

"He'll he here about four. You don't mind being about?"

"Not in the least," Julian promised. "So long as I am home for dinner, my people will be satisfied."

"I don't know how you'll amuse yourself this morning," Furley observed, "and I'm afraid I shan't be able to get out for the flighting this evening."

"Don't worry about me," Julian begged. "Remember that I am practically at home it's only three miles to the Hall from here so you mustn't look upon me as an ordinary guest. I am going for a tramp in a few minutes."

"Lucky chap!" Furley declared enviously. "Sunshine like this makes one feel as though one were on the Riviera instead of in Norfolk. Shall you visit the scene of your adventure?"

"I may," Julian answered thoughtfully. "The instinct of the sleuthhound is beginning to stir in me. There is no telling how far it may lead."

Julian started on his tramp about half an hour later. He paused first at a bend in the road, about fifty yards down, and stepped up close to the hedge.

"The instinct of the sleuthhound," he said to himself, "is all very well, but why on earth haven't I told Furley about the car?"

He paused to consider the matter, conscious only of the fact that each time he had opened his lips to mention it, he had felt a marked but purposeless disinclination to do so. He consoled himself now with the reflection that the information would be more or less valueless until the afternoon, and he forthwith proceeded upon the investigation which he had planned out.

The road was still muddy, and the track of the tyres, which were of somewhat peculiar pattern, clearly visible. He followed it along the road for a matter of a mile and a half. Then he came to a standstill before a plain oak gate and was conscious of a distinct shock. On the top bar of the gate was painted in white letters MALTENBY HALL

TRADESMEN'S ENTRANCE and it needed only the most cursory examination to establish the fact that the car whose track he had been following had turned in here. He held up his hand and stopped a luggage trolley which had just turned the bend in the avenue. The man pulled up and touched his hat.

  • 年华如歌


  • 极修武致


  • 中华诚信故事


    伦理道德是传统文化的重要组成部分。中华民族传统伦理道德的内容十分丰富,其中那些体现民族智慧、反映人民利益、符合进步潮流的部分,在历史进程中不断积淀、升华,成为中华民族的传统美德。中华传统美德是中华文化最富生命力的精神内核,是中国人世世代代生存、发展的基本准则,也是中华民族自立于世界民族之林的宝贵思想支撑。 本书收录的正是中华历史上的诸多彰显诚信的故事。
  • 福妻驾到


  • 那年我的女神


  • 修神好汉


  • 午夜阳光


  • 黑色十字架:吸血鬼恋人


  • 六界店铺


  • 盗墓笔记同人文

