And sure enough,in a little time,the girls had altogether left off going to an English chapel,and were continually visiting places of Italian worship.The old governor,it is true,still went to his church,but he appeared to be hesitating between two opinions;and once,when he was at dinner,he said to two or three English friends that,since he had become better acquainted with it,he had conceived a much more favourable opinion of the Catholic religion than he had previously entertained.In a word,the priest ruled the house,and everything was done according to his will and pleasure;by degrees he persuaded the young ladies to drop their English acquaintances,whose place he supplied with Italians,chiefly females.My poor old governor would not have had a person to speak to-for he never could learn the language-but for two or three Englishmen who used to come occasionally and take a bottle with him in a summer-house,whose company he could not be persuaded to resign,notwithstanding the entreaties of his daughters,instigated by the priest,whose grand endeavour seemed to be to render the minds of all three foolish,for his own ends.And if he was busy above stairs with the governor,there was another busy below with us poor English servants,a kind of subordinate priest,a low Italian;as he could speak no language but his own,he was continually jabbering to us in that,and by hearing him the maids and myself contrived to pick up a good deal of the language,so that we understood most that was said,and could speak it very fairly;and the themes of his jabber were the beauty and virtues of one whom he called Holy Mary,and the power and grandeur of one whom he called the Holy Father;and he told us that we should shortly have an opportunity of seeing the Holy Father,who could do anything he liked with Holy Mary:in the meantime we had plenty of opportunities of seeing Holy Mary,for in every church,chapel,and convent to which we were taken,there was an image of Holy Mary,who,if the images were dressed at all in her fashion,must have been very fond of short petticoats and tinsel,and who,if those said figures at all resembled her in face,could scarcely have been half as handsome as either of my two fellow-servants,not to speak of the young ladies.
一场医疗事故,让还在襁褓的她身患怪病,在谩骂中长大:“诶,看,她就是住9栋那个见不得光的怪物,难怪她爸爸也不要她”;“哈哈,同学们走过路过不要错过呀,怪物来啦,哈哈哈”;“别叫我姐,恶心,浪费粮食的人,都不知道小姨要你干吗,就该把你掐死”......一场邂逅,她原以为是迟来的幸福,没想到只是噩梦的开始.....一直以为的爱情不过是一场可笑的骗局,最后带着悔恨,在绚烂的年纪,结束了生命。再次醒来,她回到了小时候,重活一世林小草发誓定不让历史重演,她不要爱情,不要亲情,只想好好守护好爱她的妈妈。嘲笑她?讽刺她?欺骗她?没关系,她,林小草都会一一奉还,而且十倍百倍的奉还,有什么好怕,我是怪物我怕谁!老师教你知识 我教你智慧