

Frank dropped his gun and ran back along the path, shaking, stumbling, gasping. He had never imagined such horror. The cries fol-lowed him. They grew fainter and thicker, as if she were choking. He dropped on his knees beside the hedge and crouched like a rabbit, listening; fainter, fainter; a sound like a whine;again--a moan--another--silence. Frank scrambled to his feet and ran on, groaning and praying. From habit he went toward the house, where he was used to being soothed when he had worked himself into a frenzy, but at the sight of the black, open door, he started back. He knew that he had murdered somebody, that a woman was bleeding and moaning in the or-chard, but he had not realized before that it was his wife. The gate stared him in the face.

He threw his hands over his head. Which way to turn? He lifted his tormented face and looked at the sky. "Holy Mother of God, not to suffer! She was a good girl--not to suffer!"Frank had been wont to see himself in dra-matic situations; but now, when he stood by the windmill, in the bright space between the barn and the house, facing his own black doorway, he did not see himself at all. He stood like the hare when the dogs are approaching from all sides. And he ran like a hare, back and forth about that moonlit space, before he could make up his mind to go into the dark stable for a horse. The thought of going into a doorway was terrible to him. He caught Emil's horse by the bit and led it out. He could not have buckled a bridle on his own. After two or three attempts, he lifted himself into the sad-dle and started for Hanover. If he could catch the one o'clock train, he had money enough to get as far as Omaha.

While he was thinking dully of this in some less sensitized part of his brain, his acuter faculties were going over and over the cries he had heard in the orchard. Terror was the only thing that kept him from going back to her, terror that she might still be she, that she might still be suffering. A woman, mutilated and bleeding in his orchard--it was because it was a woman that he was so afraid. It was incon-ceivable that he should have hurt a woman. He would rather be eaten by wild beasts than see her move on the ground as she had moved in the orchard. Why had she been so careless?

She knew he was like a crazy man when he was angry. She had more than once taken that gun away from him and held it, when he was angry with other people. Once it had gone off while they were struggling over it. She was never afraid. But, when she knew him, why hadn't she been more careful? Didn't she have all summer before her to love Emil Bergson in, without taking such chances? Probably she had met the Smirka boy, too, down there in the orchard. He didn't care. She could have met all the men on the Divide there, and welcome, if only she hadn't brought this horror on him.

There was a wrench in Frank's mind. He did not honestly believe that of her. He knew that he was doing her wrong. He stopped his horse to admit this to himself the more directly, to think it out the more clearly. He knew that he was to blame. For three years he had been trying to break her spirit. She had a way of making the best of things that seemed to him a sentimental affectation. He wanted his wife to resent that he was wasting his best years among these stupid and unappreciative people; but she had seemed to find the people quite good enough. If he ever got rich he meant to buy her pretty clothes and take her to California in a Pullman car, and treat her like a lady; but in the mean time he wanted her to feel that life was as ugly and as unjust as he felt it. He had tried to make her life ugly. He had refused to share any of the little pleasures she was so plucky about making for herself. She could be gay about the least thing in the world; but she must be gay! When she first came to him, her faith in him, her adoration-- Frank struck the mare with his fist. Why had Marie made him do this thing; why had she brought this upon him? He was overwhelmed by sickening mis-fortune. All at once he heard her cries again--he had forgotten for a moment. "Maria," he sobbed aloud, "Maria!"When Frank was halfway to Hanover, the motion of his horse brought on a violent attack of nausea. After it had passed, he rode on again, but he could think of nothing except his physical weakness and his desire to be com-forted by his wife. He wanted to get into his own bed. Had his wife been at home, he would have turned and gone back to her meekly enough.

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    她,言颜,美丽不失聪明,从小虽失去父母却在父母世交好友柯家的照顾下幸福的成长着,出国两年结束初恋带着一身伤回到香港,生活有了一个新的开端。她阴差阳错不得已成了没有任何血源关系的柯家大哥的未婚妻,他的温柔让她无限迷恋渐渐模糊的心里原本的脸孔。柯剑凯,柯家长子现任公司总裁,他对所有人都是冰冷,唯独对她温柔体贴,他爱她,很早就开始爱着他,他发誓他今生今世的妻只会是她。还有那个张老师到底是什么身份?无赖这个词简直为他而造的,年纪轻轻知道的却不少?一想就知道不是好人,而他却告诉言颜,他爱上她了。天啊世界要乱了套了!!雷诺,言颜的前男友似乎嫌不够乱又不远万里从英国回来插上一脚。一个爱如水明,温暖着她的心,她的心却因此激起万丈涟漪。他说“颜颜,今生今世我柯剑凯的妻非你莫属,无论你的心徘徊在哪里,我柯剑凯今生只为你拥有温柔。我爱你,不是因为爸爸和妈妈,只因为我的心,很早就已经遗落在你的身上收不回,爱上你我今生不悔!”一个爱如烈酒,来的轰轰烈烈,他的爱带着目的,带着仇恨,让她慌恐。他说“颜颜我不小心爱上你了怎么办?我一定要得到你,就算背负世界的悖论我也要爱! 他,柯剑凯不配拥有你!”而他,在失去她一次后还能在挽回她吗?雷诺拖着疲倦的身躯问:“颜颜,失去你我还能再拥你入怀吗啊?为什么你要这么狠心的把我从你的生活里除去?我爱你,我还爱你,我会一直爱着你。”谁才是她的归属? 要怎么选择?亲们请相信莫莫本文一定精彩,包括校园生活,社会,还有黑道的刺激,后面还有些是带点虐的,但是虐的是精神而已嘿嘿,请大家多多支持我!
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