

I should be surprised if you wanted to. I can't see exactly why. But that's none of my busi-ness. You ought to do as you please. Certainly you ought not to pay any attention to what the boys say."Alexandra sighed. "I had hoped you might understand, a little, why I do want to. But Isuppose that's too much to expect. I've had a pretty lonely life, Emil. Besides Marie, Carl is the only friend I have ever had."Emil was awake now; a name in her last sen-tence roused him. He put out his hand and took his sister's awkwardly. "You ought to do just as you wish, and I think Carl's a fine fel-low. He and I would always get on. I don't believe any of the things the boys say about him, honest I don't. They are suspicious of him because he's intelligent. You know their way.

They've been sore at me ever since you let me go away to college. They're always trying to catch me up. If I were you, I wouldn't pay any attention to them. There's nothing to get upset about. Carl's a sensible fellow. He won't mind them.""I don't know. If they talk to him the way they did to me, I think he'll go away."Emil grew more and more uneasy. "Think so? Well, Marie said it would serve us all right if you walked off with him.""Did she? Bless her little heart! SHE would."Alexandra's voice broke.

Emil began unlacing his leggings. "Why don't you talk to her about it? There's Carl, Ihear his horse. I guess I'll go upstairs and get my boots off. No, I don't want any supper. We had supper at five o'clock, at the fair."Emil was glad to escape and get to his own room. He was a little ashamed for his sister, though he had tried not to show it. He felt that there was something indecorous in her proposal, and she did seem to him somewhat ridiculous. There was trouble enough in the world, he reflected, as he threw himself upon his bed, without people who were forty years old imagining they wanted to get married. In the darkness and silence Emil was not likely to think long about Alexandra. Every image slipped away but one. He had seen Marie in the crowd that afternoon. She sold candy at the fair. WHY had she ever run away with Frank Shabata, and how could she go on laughing and working and taking an interest in things? Why did she like so many people, and why had she seemed pleased when all the French and Bohe-mian boys, and the priest himself, crowded round her candy stand? Why did she care about any one but him? Why could he never, never find the thing he looked for in her playful, affectionate eyes?

Then he fell to imagining that he looked once more and found it there, and what it would be like if she loved him,--she who, as Alexandra said, could give her whole heart. In that dream he could lie for hours, as if in a trance. His spirit went out of his body and crossed the fields to Marie Shabata.

At the University dances the girls had often looked wonderingly at the tall young Swede with the fine head, leaning against the wall and frowning, his arms folded, his eyes fixed on the ceiling or the floor. All the girls were a little afraid of him. He was distinguished-looking, and not the jollying kind. They felt that he was too intense and preoccupied. There was some-thing queer about him. Emil's fraternity rather prided itself upon its dances, and some-times he did his duty and danced every dance.

But whether he was on the floor or brooding in a corner, he was always thinking about Marie Shabata. For two years the storm had been gathering in him.

  • 新世鸿勋


  • 毅斋诗文集


  • Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town

    Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town

  • 离俗览


  • 议中兴教观


  • 福妻驾到


  • 雷霆战争


  • 盗墓笔记之穿越古墓


  • 中国特色社会主义政治文明研究


    在迎接党的十七大胜利召开的日子里,这本《中国特色社会主义政治文明研究》终于最后完稿了。跨越了三度寒暑、数易其稿的历程,当画上本书最后一个句号时,我们的心情是难以言说的,既有一些欣慰,更有许多遗憾。之所以如此,是因为实在还有太多不满意的地方,比如有些应当深入探究的问题没有来得及深入研究,有些章节风格上难以完全统一。但是,这本书的问世,毕竟是我们探索中国特色社会主义政治文明建设理论的一次努力,同时也为以后的探索和研究提供了一种参考。 这本书是集体创作的成果,是在专题研究的基础上,综合设计、分工写作、统一定稿的产物。
  • 面具背后的指使人


  • 王源我还爱你


  • 相府千金


  • 醉卧美人兮


  • 夫君个个太绝色


  • 桃花手记

