

"You take the trail heah," he said, pointing it out, "an' foller it into West Fork.So long, an' don't forget we're goin' huntin' turkeys."Carley smiled her thanks, and, taking to the trail, she stepped out briskly, now giving attention to her surroundings.The canyon had widened, and the creek with its deep thicket of green and white had sheered to the left.On her right the canyon wall appeared to be lifting higher--and higher.She could not see it well, owing to intervening treetops.The trail led her through a grove of maples and sycamores, out into an open park-like bench that turned to the right toward the cliff.Suddenly Carley saw a break in the red wall.It was the intersecting canyon, West Fork.What a narrow red-walled gateway! Huge pine trees spread wide gnarled branches over her head.The wind made soft rush in their tops, sending the brown needles lightly on the air.Carley turned the bulging corner, to be halted by a magnificent spectacle.It seemed a mountain wall loomed over her.It was the western side of this canyon, so lofty that Carley had to tip back her head to see the top.She swept her astonished gaze down the face of this tremendous red mountain wall and then slowly swept it upward again.

This phenomenon of a cliff seemed beyond the comprehension of her sight.It looked a mile high.The few trees along its bold rampart resembled short spear-pointed bushes outlined against the steel gray of sky.Ledges, caves, seams, cracks, fissures, beetling red brows, yellow crumbling crags, benches of green growths and niches choked with brush, and bold points where single lonely pine trees grew perilously, and blank walls a thousand feet across their shadowed faces--these features gradually took shape in Carley's confused sight, until the colossal mountain front stood up before her in all its strange, wild, magnificent ruggedness and beauty.

"Arizona! Perhaps this is what he meant," murmured Carley."I never dreamed of anything like this....But, oh! it overshadows me--bears me down! Icould never have a moment's peace under it."It fascinated her.There were inaccessible ledges that haunted her with their remote fastnesses.How wonderful world it be to get there, rest there, if that were possible! But only eagles could reach them.There were places, then, that the desecrating hands of man could not touch.The dark caves were mystically potent in their vacant staring out at the world beneath them.The crumbling crags, the toppling ledges, the leaning rocks all threatened to come thundering down at the breath of wind.How deep and soft the red color in contrast with the green! How splendid the sheer bold uplift of gigantic steps! Carley found herself marveling at the forces that had so rudely, violently, and grandly left this monument to nature.

"Well, old Fifth Avenue gadder!" called a gay voice."If the back wall of my yard so halts you--what will you ever do when you see the Painted Desert, or climb Sunset Peak, or look down into the Grand Canyon?""Oh, Glenn, where are you?" cried Carley, gazing everywhere near at hand.

But he was farther away.The clearness of his voice had deceived her.

Presently she espied him a little distance away, across a creek she had not before noticed.

"Come on," he called."I want to see you cross the stepping stones."Carley ran ahead, down a little slope of clean red rock, to the shore of the green water.It was clear, swift, deep in some places and shallow in others, with white wreathes or ripples around the rocks evidently placed there as a means to cross.Carley drew back aghast.

"Glenn, I could never make it," she called.

"Come on, my Alpine climber," he taunted."Will you let Arizona daunt you?""Do you want me to fall in and catch cold?" she cried, desperately.

"Carley, big women might even cross the bad places of modern life on stepping stones of their dead selves!" he went on, with something of mockery."Surely a few physical steps are not beyond you.""Say, are you mangling Tennyson or just kidding me?" she demanded slangily.

"My love, Flo could cross here with her eyes shut."That thrust spurred Carley to action.His words were jest, yet they held a hint of earnest.With her heart at her throat Carley stepped on the first rock, and, poising, she calculated on a running leap from stone to stone.

Once launched, she felt she was falling downhill.She swayed, she splashed, she slipped; and clearing the longest leap from the last stone to shore she lost her balance and fell into Glenn's arms.His kisses drove away both her panic and her resentment.

"By Jove! I didn't think you'd even attempt it!" he declared, manifestly pleased."I made sure I'd have to pack you over--in fact, rather liked the idea.""I wouldn't advise you to employ any such means again--to dare me," she retorted.

"That's a nifty outdoor suit you've on," he said, admiringly."I was wondering what you'd wear.I like short outing skirts for women, rather than trousers.The service sort of made the fair sex dippy about pants.""It made them dippy about more than that," she replied."You and I will never live to see the day that women recover their balance.""I agree with you," replied Glenn.

Carley locked her arm in his."Honey, I want to have a good time today.

Cut out all the other women stuff....Take me to see your little gray home in the West.Or is it gray?"He laughed."Why, yes, it's gray, just about.The logs have bleached some."Glenn led her away up a trail that climbed between bowlders, and meandered on over piny mats of needles under great, silent, spreading pines; and closer to the impondering mountain wall, where at the base of the red rock the creek murmured strangely with hollow gurgle, where the sun had no chance to affect the cold damp gloom; and on through sweet-smelling woods, out into the sunlight again, and across a wider breadth of stream; and up a slow slope covered with stately pines, to a little cabin that faced the west.

  • 俱舍论颂疏论本


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  • Jasmin


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  • The World's Desire

    The World's Desire

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  • 【完】竟敢踢朕下龙床:失宠王妃


    清晨,一道足以掀开屋顶的杀猪尖叫划破天际,紧接着,房内一声巨响,某大件物体落地的声音,伴随着一句雄狮怒吼:“云笑离,你疯了!竟敢踢朕下床!”“踢的就是你,你、你无耻!”我磨牙霍霍响,满脸爆红,隐约可见其头顶青烟。“朕怎么无耻了?”轩辕骜麟脸色铁青,这个女人真是有让圣人发火的本领。明明昨天都是她主动,他可没动她一根手指头,欲求不满的折腾了一晚上,好不容易有睡的欲望,正想眯了一会。没想到,她一记重踹,将他从床上踢了下来。“你还有脸说,非要我把你的罪状一一例出来,色鬼!”PS:如果看此文出现任何不适状况,请速速离去,在下深表歉意。某女也顺应潮流穿了,还是俗到不能再俗的情节, 写文新手,有点小白,自娱自乐, 请原谅小女子才疏学浅吧!!
  • 朝安


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