

Railway building had almost ceased after the completion of the Canadian Pacific system.Now it revived on a greater scale than ever before.In the twenty years after 1896 the miles in operation grew from 16,000 to nearly 40,000.Two new transcontinentals were added, and the older roads took on a new lease of life.At the end of this period of expansion, only the United States, Germany, and Russia had railroad mileage exceeding that of Canada.Much of the building was premature or duplicated other roads.The scramble for state aid, federal and provincial, had demoralized Canadian politics.A large part of the notes the country rashly backed, by the policy of guaranteeing bond issues, were in time presented for payment.Yet the railway policies of the period were broadly justified.New country was opened to settlers; outlets to the sea were provided; capital was obtained in the years when it was still abundant and cheap; the whole industry of the country was stimulated; East was bound closer to West and depth was added to length.** During the Great War it became necessary for the Federal Government to take over both the National Transcontinental, running from Moncton in New Brunswick to Winnipeg, and the Canadian Northern, running from ocean to ocean, and to incorporate both, along with the Intercolonial, in the Canadian National Railways, a system fourteen thousand miles in length.

The opening of the West brought new prosperity to every corner of the East.Factories found growing markets; banks multiplied branches and business; exports mounted fast and imports faster;closer relations were formed with London and New York financial interests; mushroom millionaires, country clubs, city slums, suburban subdivisions, land booms, grafting aldermen, and all the apparatus of an advanced civilization grew apace.A new self-confidence became the dominant note alike of private business and of public policy.

With industrial prosperity, political unity became assured.

Canada became more and more a name of which all her sons were proud.Expansion brought men of the different provinces together.

The Maritime Provinces first felt fully at one with the rest of Canada when Vancouver and Winnipeg rather than Boston and New York called their sons.Even Ontario and Quebec made some advance toward mutual understanding, though clerical leaders who sought safety for their Church in the isolation of its people, imperialists who drove a wedge between Canadians by emphasizing Anglo-Saxon racial ties, and politicians of the baser sort exploiting race prejudice for their own gain, opened rifts in a society already seamed by differences of language and creed.In the West unity was still harder to secure, for men of all countries and of none poured into a land still in the shaping.

The divergent interests of the farming, free trade West and of the manufacturing, protectionist East made for friction.

Fortunately strong ties held East and West together.Eastern Canadians or their sons filled most of the strategic posts in Government and business, in school and church and press in the West.Transcontinental railways, chartered banks with branches and interests in every province, political parties organizing their forces from coast to coast, played their part.Much had been accomplished; but much remained to be done.With this background of rapid industrial development and growing national unity, Canada's relations with the Empire, with her sister democracy across the border, and with foreign states, took on new importance and divided interest with the changes in her internal affairs.

From being a state wherein the mother country exercised control and the colonies yielded obedience the Empire was rapidly being transformed into a free and equal partnership of independent commonwealths under one king.Out of the clash of rival theories and conflicting interests a new ideal and a new reality had developed.The policy of imperial cooperation--the policy whereby each great colony became independent of outside control but voluntarily acted in concert with the mother country and the sister states on matters of common concern--sought to reconcile liberty and unity, nationhood and empire, to unite what was most practicable in the aims of the advocates of independence and the advocates of imperial federation.The movement developed unevenly.At the outbreak of the Great War, it was still incomplete.The ideal was not always clearly or consciously held in the Empire itself and was wholly ignored or misunderstood in Europe and even in the United States.Yet in twenty years' space it had become dominant in practice and theory and had built up a new type of political organization, a virtual league of nations, fruitful for the future ordering of the world.

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    她,是一个相信科学的法医。——“我叫厉红,医科大 法医学院 法医人类学助教。”他,是一个行走阴阳两界的猎灵人。——“我是和你这样的科学家格格不入的宗教工作者。”一起离奇死亡使二人走在一起。——“没有燃烧的手掌留在了马桶边,表面有烫伤症状,死者的尸体完全灰烬化。”——“你的世界是黑暗的,你忍心因为几句话让她从此难见阳光吗?”——“我哪儿也不去,我要知道真相。”面对共同的危险,两人没有退缩。——“你为什么不戴护身符?!”——“你要跟魔鬼做交易?”——“凶手不会放过你。”——“如果你在我身边,我就什么鬼都不怕了。”冤屈的死者,神秘的梦境,毛骨悚然的感觉,事实的真相……——“一个瑶族姑娘,真名叫亚朝兰-雅当。”——“你的梦是过去发生的事实。”——“你感觉到了,它出现在你身后。”——“这里就是埋尸地。”意料不到的结局,等待你来揭开。——“不行,他必须死。”——“他躲不过惩罚的!”——“不要伤心,那个男人就在你心里。”2007年10月,《鬼魂在身后》……__________________________________________________读者群号:19317782(满),19628412;个人号:365945814
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