

The Emerald Father and son had seated themselves on a projecting piece of rock at a corner where three galleries met - the one they had come along from their work, one to the right leading out of the mountain, and the other to the left leading far into a portion of it which had been long disused.Since the inundation caused by the goblins, it had indeed been rendered impassable by the settlement of a quantity of the water, forming a small but very deep lake, in a part where there was a considerable descent.

They had just risen and were turning to the right, when a gleam caught their eyes, and made them look along the whole gallery.Far up they saw a pale green light, whence issuing they could not tell, about halfway between floor and roof of the passage.They saw nothing but the light, which was like a large star, with a point of darker colour yet brighter radiance in the heart of it, whence the rest of the light shot out in rays that faded toward the ends until they vanished.It shed hardly any light around it, although in itself it was so bright as to sting the eyes that beheld it.

Wonderful stories had from ages gone been current in the mines about certain magic gems which gave out light of themselves, and this light looked just like what might be supposed to shoot from the heart of such a gem.

They went up the old gallery to find out what it could be.To their surprise they found, however, that, after going some distance, they were no nearer to it, so far as they could judge, than when they started.It did not seem to move, and yet they moving did not approach it.Still they persevered, for it was far too wonderful a thing to lose sight of, so long as they could keep it.At length they drew near the hollow where the water lay, and still were no nearer the light.Where they expected to be stopped by the water, however, water was none: something had taken place in some part of the mine that had drained it off, and the gallery lay open as in former times.

And now, to their surprise, the light, instead of being in front of them, was shining at the same distance to the right, where they did not know there was any passage at all.Then they discovered, by the light of the lanterns they carried, that there the water had broken through, and made an entrance to a part of the mountain of which Peter knew nothing.But they were hardly well into it, still following the light, before Curdie thought he recognized some of the passages he had so often gone through when he was watching the goblins.

After they had advanced a long way, with many turnings, now to the right, now to the left, all at once their eyes seemed to come suddenly to themselves, and they became aware that the light which they had taken to be a great way from them was in reality almost within reach of their hands.

The same instant it began to grow larger and thinner, the point of light grew dim as it spread, the greenness melted away, and in a moment or two, instead of the star, a dark, dark and yet luminous face was looking at them with living eyes.And Curdie felt a great awe swell up in his heart, for he thought he had seen those eyes before.

'I see you know me, Curdie,' said a voice.

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    (第二部)为了躲避没完没了的相亲,芊珞一时冲动准备与从未见过面的男网友私奔,谁知道让她感觉成熟稳重的帅网友居然是……?孤傲执着的男生,爱上比自己大几岁的女人,这段情又该何去何从?……友情提醒:本书为《小女人的春梦》第二部+第一部修改版!书友QQ群:34848228 博客:http://***.***/
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