

Blue vitriolInduce vomiting as in arsenic.Then give milk, or white of egg, or mucilage.

Cantharides Induce vomiting.Give soothing drinks.

NO OIL.Rub abdomen with camphor,or camphorated oil.

Chloral Same as for aconite.

Camphor Same as for aconite.

Conium (Hemlock)Same as for aconite.

Carbolic AcidWhite of egg in water, or olive oil, followed by a large quantity of milk.

Calomel Give white of egg, followed by milk, or flour gruel.

Corrosive Sublimate Same as for calomel.

Croton Oil Induce vomiting.Also give strong purgative AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.Stimulate with strong tea or coffee.

ColocynthSame as for croton oil.

ErgotSame as for aconite.

Food cooked in a copper vessel Same as for blue vitriol.

Fish poison Same as for croton oil.

GasesPlenty of fresh air.Inhale ammonia (not too strong).Artificial respiration if necessary.Stimulate with strong tea or coffee.

Green coloring matter Same as for arsenic.

HelleboreSame as for aconite.

Hyoscyamus Same as for aconite.

Iodine Give starch.

Lobelia Same as for aconite.

LeadSame as for calomel.

Matches Induce vomiting.Give magnesia and mucilage.NO OIL.

Mercury Same as for calomel.

MorphineSpasms may be quieted by inhaling ether.

Nitric Acid Induce vomiting.Give Carbonate of Magnesia, or lime-water.

Nitrate of SilverGive common salt in water, or carbonate of soda in solution, followed by milk, or white of egg.

Nux Vomica Same as for aconite.

Oxalic Acid Same as for nitric acid.

OpiumSame as for morphine.

Prussic AcidNot much can be done, as fatal dose kills in from three to five minutes.Dilute ammonia given instantly might save life.

Paris Green Same as for arsenic.

Phosphorus Same as for matches.

Rough on RatsSame as for arsenic.

StrychninSame as for morphine.

Sulphuric Acid Strong soap-suds.

ToadstoolSame as for morphine.

Turpentine Same as for morphine.

Tin Same as for nitrate of silver.

VerdigrisSame as for arsenic.

VermilionSame as for calomel.

White vitriolSame as for nitrate of silver.

ZincSame as for nitrate of silver.

For Snake-bite The best general treatment for snake-bite is to tie a ligature tightly ABOVE the wound, then suck out as much of the virus as possible.Give the patient large quantities of whisky or brandy, to induce intoxication.Incise the wound with a red-hot nail, or knitting needle.Keep the patient intoxicated till the doctor arrives.

For BurnsAll burns are more painful when exposed to the air.For lesser burns a cloth saturated with a strong solution of bicarbonate of soda (common cooking soda) laid on the burn is probably best.

This is soothing and keeps out the air.

For burning clothesDo not allow the victim to run about, for that increases the flames.Throw her--these accidents usually occur to women --on the floor and smother the flames with a blanket, rug, or large garment.

Then, if the burns are severe, place her in a bath at a temperature of 100degrees or over, keeping her there till the doctor arrives.Give stimulants.

Do not touch the burns more than is absolutely unavoidable.

For Burns of AcidsDash cold water on the burns, then cover with lime-water and sweet oil, or linseed oil.

For Burns of Caustic AlkaliesApply vinegar.

Glass, coarse or Give the patient large quantities of bread powderedcrumbs, and then induce vomiting.

Ivy poisonWash at once with soap and water; using scrubbing brush.Then lay on cloths saturated with strong solution bicarbonate of soda.Give cooling drinks.

Keep the patient quiet and on a low diet.

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