

"Where?" came the next question, still with that vital insistence.

"In this room."

"Burke was here?" Mary's voice was suddenly cold, very dangerous."What was he doing here?""Talking to my father."

The seemingly simple answer appeared the last straw to the girl's burden of frenzied suspicion.Her voice cut fiercely into the quiet of the room, imperious, savage.

"Joe, turn on that light! I want to see the face of every man in this room."Something fatally significant in her voice set Garson a-leap to the switch, and, in the same second, the blaze of the chandelier flamed brilliantly over all.The others stood motionless, blinking in the sudden radiance--all save Griggs, who moved stealthily in that same moment, a little nearer the door into the passage, which was nearest to him.

But Mary's next words came wholly as a surprise, seemingly totally irrelevant to this instant of crisis.Yet they rang a-throb with an hysterical anxiety.

"Dick," she cried, "what are those tapestries worth?" With the question, she pointed toward the draperies that shrouded the great octagonal window.

The young man was plainly astonished, disconcerted as well by the obtrusion of a sordid detail into the tragedy of the time.

"Why in the world do you----?" he began, impatiently.

Mary stamped her foot angrily in protest against the delay.

"Tell me--quick!" she commanded.The authority in her voice and manner was not to be gainsaid.

Dick yielded sullenly.

"Oh, two or three hundred dollars, I suppose," he answered.


"Never mind that!" Mary exclaimed, violently.And now the girl's voice came stinging like a whiplash.In Garson's face, too, was growing fury, for in an instant of illumination he guessed something of the truth.Mary's next question confirmed his raging suspicion.

"How long have you had them, Dick?"

By now, the young man himself sensed the fact that something mysteriously baneful lay behind the frantic questioning on this seemingly trivial theme.

"Ever since I can remember," he replied, promptly.

Mary's voice came then with an intonation that brought enlightenment not only to Garson's shrewd perceptions, but also to the heavier intelligences of Dacey and of Chicago Red.

"And they're not famous masterpieces which your father bought recently, from some dealer who smuggled them into this country?"So simple were the words of her inquiry, but under them beat something evil, deadly.

The young man laughed contemptuously.

"I should say not!" he declared indignantly, for he resented the implication against his father's honesty.

"It's a trick! Burke's done it!" Mary's words came with accusing vehemence.

There was another single step made by Griggs toward the door into the passage.

Mary's eye caught the movement, and her lips soundlessly formed the name:


The man strove to carry off the situation, though he knew well that he stood in mortal peril.He came a little toward the girl who had accused him of treachery.He was very dapper in his evening clothes, with his rather handsome, well-groomed face set in lines of innocence.

"He's lying to you!" he cried forcibly, with a scornful gesture toward Dick Gilder."I tell you, those tapestries are worth a million cold."Mary's answer was virulent in its sudden burst of hate.For once, the music of her voice was lost in a discordant cry of detestation.

  • 火影之佐之姓鸣之名


  • 《Pure》炎亚纶


    林婧纯 一袭乳白色大衣,内衬着水蓝色瓖有白色蕾丝花边的及膝裙子,微卷的过肩长发,打扮一新的她,靠在体育馆门外的墻边。“在演唱会结束之後,我会给你一个惊喜。”他是这麽说得没错。林婧纯用手捂了捂发烫得脸颊 。他,陈昊。林婧纯的青梅竹马,大林婧纯3嵗,是婧纯从小就暗暗喜欢者的对象,但似乎本人却未曾发现,一直都把她当成妹妹看待。对此婧纯也不在意,偷偷的看他,关心他对他好已经成了她的习惯,至於他有没有回应对她来说不重要。而前阵子陈昊和女朋友的彻底分手倒是促使他们的关系得到了改善。陈昊的女朋友丽儿,一个有点任性的女孩,陈昊很爱她,简直到了无法自拔的地步,於是儅丽儿坚决要分手时,他整个人快崩溃了,那时的婧纯几乎是天天陪着他,为他开导,过了不久,陈昊走出失恋的阴影。之後,他会隔三差五的约婧纯带她出去玩,会送礼物给她。这算不算是在一起?婧纯不敢妄自猜测,但儅听到他这句话,让她不禁脸红心跳,也许今天,她可以真正给她的初恋下定义了。
  • TF青春凉夏追爱记


  • 时空宿主


  • 可爱俏女生:我的校草同桌的恶魔吻


    呵呵。我写的有点白.但希望大家喜欢~加群:85311916 对于题目来说我就很有信心了!~可能由于我经常的更改作品名称,使有些读者不理解,但是,那只是灵感一来,就要该题目,没办法啦。希望谅解!
  • 众里寻


  • 每一种孤独都有陪伴


  • 星域之元气修炼师


  • 铠甲勇士之时空侠


  • 鬼战记

