

Across the deck Theriere was dragging himself painfully to his hands and knees, as though to attempt the impossible feat of crawling back to the cabin hatch.The wave was almost upon Billy.In a moment it would engulf him, and then rush on across him to tear Theriere from the deck and hurl him beyond the ship into the tumbling, watery, chaos of the sea.

The mucker saw all this, and in the instant he launched himself toward the man for whom he had no use, whose kind he hated, reaching him as the great wave broke over them, crushing them to the deck, choking and blinding them.

For a moment they were buried in the swirling maelstrom, and then as the Halfmoon rose again, shaking the watery enemy from her back, the two men were disclosed--Theriere half over the ship's side--the mucker clinging to him with one hand, the other clutching desperately at a huge cleat upon the gunwale.

Byrne dragged the mate to the deck, and then slowly and with infinite difficulty across it to the cabin hatch.Through it he pushed the man, tumbling after him and closing the aperture just as another wave swept the Halfmoon.

Theriere was conscious and but little the worse for his experience, though badly bruised.He looked at the mucker in astonishment as the two faced each other in the cabin.

"I don't know why you did it," said Theriere.

"Neither do I," replied Billy Byrne.

"I shall not forget it, Byrne," said the officer.

"Yeh'd better," answered Billy, turning away.

The mucker was extremely puzzled to account for his act.

He did not look upon it at all as a piece of heroism; but rather as a "fool play" which he should be ashamed of.The very idea! Saving the life of a gink who, despite his brutal ways, belonged to the much-despised "highbrow" class.Billy was peeved with himself.

Theriere, for his part, was surprised at the unexpected heroism of the man he had long since rated as a cowardly bully.He was fully determined to repay Byrne in so far as he could the great debt he owed him.All thoughts of revenge for the mucker's former assault upon him were dropped, and he now looked upon the man as a true friend and ally.

For three days the Halfmoon plunged helplessly upon the storm-wracked surface of the mad sea.No soul aboard her entertained more than the faintest glimmer of a hope that the ship would ride out the storm; but during the third night the wind died down, and by morning the sea had fallen sufficiently to make it safe for the men of the Halfmoon to venture upon deck.

There they found the brigantine clean-swept from stem to stern.To the north of them was land at a league or two, perhaps.Had the storm continued during the night they would have been dashed upon the coast.God-fearing men would have given thanks for their miraculous rescue; but not so these.Instead, the fear of death removed, they assumed their former bravado.

Skipper Simms boasted of the seamanship that had saved the Halfmoon--his own seamanship of course.Ward was cursing the luck that had disabled the ship at so crucial a period of her adventure, and revolving in his evil mind various possible schemes for turning the misfortune to his own advantage.

Billy Byrne, sitting upon the corner of the galley table, hobnobbed with Blanco.These choice representatives of the ship's company were planning a raid on the skipper's brandy chest during the disembarkation which the sight of land had rendered not improbable.

The Halfmoon, with the wind down, wallowed heavily in the trough of the sea, but even so Barbara Harding, wearied with days of confinement in her stuffy cabin below, ventured above deck for a breath of sweet, clean air.

Scarce had she emerged from below than Theriere espied her, and hastened to her side.

"Well, Miss Harding," he exclaimed, "it seems good to see you on deck again.I can't tell you how sorry I have felt for you cooped up alone in your cabin without a single woman for companionship, and all those frightful days of danger, for there was scarce one of us that thought the old hooker would weather so long and hard a blow.We were mighty fortunate to come through it so handily.""Handily?" queried Barbara Harding, with a wry smile, glancing about the deck of the Halfmoon."I cannot see that we are either through it handily or through it at all.We have no masts, no canvas, no boats; and though I am not much of a sailor, I can see that there is little likelihood of our effecting a landing on the shore ahead either with or without boats---it looks most forbidding.Then the wind has gone down, and when it comes up again it is possible that it will carry us away from the land, or if it takes us toward it, dash us to pieces at the foot of those frightful cliffs.""I see you are too good a sailor by far to be cheered by any questionable hopes," laughed Theriere; "but you must take the will into consideration--I only wished to give you a ray of hope that might lighten your burden of apprehension.

However, honestly, I do think that we may find a way to make a safe landing if the sea continues to go down as it has in the past two hours.We are not more than a league from shore, and with the jury mast and sail that the men are setting under Mr.Ward now we can work in comparative safety with a light breeze, which we should have during the afternoon.

  • A Room With A View

    A Room With A View

  • The Task and Other Poems

    The Task and Other Poems



  • 秋山


  • 藏海诗话


  • 腹黑总裁爱上我


  • 海贼王之大将之子


  • 终结始魔:崩坏世界


  • 渑水燕谈录


  • 荣少,别来无恙


  • 暗世游神伏魔


  • Unconscious Comedians

    Unconscious Comedians

  • 仙欲天朝


  • 国家订单


    这个集子的题材分两部分,一是描写乡村生活的《烟村故事》,一是描写打工生活的《国家订单》、 《白斑马》等中篇小说。王十月的乡土小说,继承了沈从文、汪曾祺一脉的抒情小说传统,在烟村故事系列中,作者倾心描绘了优美的田园风光和生活在那一片水土上的生灵,抒写着人性中的温爱与美好。作者笔下的乡村,自然不是当下的农村,也不是过去的农村,而是一种理想化的乡村生活。作者在这里要努力告诉读者的是:我们还可以这样活。而反映打工生活的小说,有被《人民文学》以头条刊载的《国家订单》,有描写在金融风暴席卷下的普通中国工人命运的《九连环》,也有深入打工一族心理暗河的《白斑马》,更有文字中透着内心疼痛的《不断说话》……
  • 全职业骑士

