

Until now the occupations of public life had absorbed the energy of the Baron di Piombo; but after leaving those employments he felt the need of casting that energy into the last sentiment that remained to him.Apart from the ties of parentage, there may have been, unknown to these three despotic souls, another powerful reason for the intensity of their reciprocal love: it was love undivided.Ginevra's whole heart belonged to her father, as Piombo's whole heart belonged to his child;and if it be true that we are bound to one another more by our defects than by our virtues, Ginevra echoed in a marvellous manner the passions of her father.There lay the sole imperfection of this triple life.Ginevra was born unyielding of will, vindictive, and passionate, like her father in his youth.

The Corsican had taken pleasure in developing these savage sentiments in the heart of his daughter, precisely as a lion teaches the lion-cubs to spring upon their prey.But this apprenticeship to vengeance having no means of action in their family life, it came to pass that Ginevra turned the principle against her father; as a child she forgave him nothing, and he was forced to yield to her.Piombo saw nothing more than childish nonsense in these fictitious quarrels, but the child was all the while acquiring a habit of ruling her parents.

In the midst, however, of the tempests which the father was fond of exciting, a look, a word of tenderness, sufficed to pacify their angry souls, and often they were never so near to a kiss as when they were threatening each other vehemently.

Nevertheless, for the last five years, Ginevra, grown wiser than her father, avoided such scenes.Her faithfulness, her devotion, the love which filled her every thought, and her admirable good sense had got the better of her temper.And yet, for all that, a very great evil had resulted from her training; Ginevra lived with her father and mother on the footing of an equality which is always dangerous.

Piombo and his wife, persons without education, had allowed Ginevra to study as she pleased.Following her caprices as a young girl, she had studied all things for a time, and then abandoned them,--taking up and leaving each train of thought at will, until, at last, painting had proved to be her dominant passion.Ginevra would have made a noble woman had her mother been capable of guiding her studies, of enlightening her mind, and bringing into harmony her gifts of nature;her defects came from the fatal education which the old Corsican had found delight in giving her.

After marching up and down the room for some time, Piombo rang the bell; a servant entered.

"Go and meet Mademoiselle Ginevra," said his master.

"I always regret our carriage on her account," remarked the baroness.

"She said she did not want one," replied Piombo, looking at his wife, who, accustomed for forty years to habits of obedience, lowered her eyes and said no more.

Already a septuagenarian, tall, withered, pale, and wrinkled, the baroness exactly resembled those old women whom Schnetz puts into the Italian scenes of his "genre" pictures.She was so habitually silent that she might have been taken for another Mrs.Shandy; but, occasionally, a word, look, or gesture betrayed that her feelings still retained all the vigor and the freshness of their youth.Her dress, devoid of coquetry, was often in bad taste.She usually sat passive, buried in a low sofa, like a Sultana Valide, awaiting or admiring her Ginevra, her pride, her life.The beauty, toilet, and grace of her daughter seemed to have become her own.All was well with her if Ginevra was happy.Her hair was white, and a few strands only were seen above her white and wrinkled forehead, or beside her hollow cheeks.

"It is now fifteen days," she said, "since Ginevra made a practice of being late.""Jean is so slow!" cried the impatient old man, buttoning up his blue coat and seizing his hat, which he dashed upon his head as he took his cane and departed.

"You will not get far," said his wife, calling after him.

As she spoke, the porte-cochere was opened and shut, and the old mother heard the steps of her Ginevra in the court-yard.Bartolomeo almost instantly reappeared, carrying his daughter, who struggled in his arms.

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  • 中纪委推荐:历史的教训


    本书是响应习近平号召牢记历史的教训,中纪委推介的“2015新年第一书”,王岐山最新推荐!《中国新闻出版报》优秀畅销书榜总榜第一名!美国普利策奖获得者的传世经典,浓缩对历史经验教训的独特见解! 本书是美国著名学者、“普利策奖”获得者威尔杜兰特及其夫人阿里尔杜兰特的代表作。《历史的教训》浓缩了11卷《世界文明史》的精华,通过提纲挈领的线条,勾勒出历史与人类生活各方面的关系,详细说明了地理条件、经济状况、种族优劣、人类本性、宗教活动、社会主义、政府、战争、道德、盛衰定律、生物进化等在历史中所扮演的角色,并总结出历史留给人们的巨大精神遗产。 这些精神遗产给改革中的国人以启迪与警鉴,使其更加智慧地面对当下和未来。
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