

"Aye," said Sir James, twisting his mustaches more vigorouslythan ever. "So soon as thy father heard of that prank, he wrotestraightway to my Lord that he should put a stop to what might intime have bred mischief.""Sir," said Myles, in an almost breathless voice, "I know not howto believe all these things, or whether I be awake ora-dreaming.""Thou be'st surely enough awake," answered the old man; "butthere are other matters yet to be told. My Lord thinketh, asothers of us do--Lord George and myself--that it is now time forthee to put away thy boyish follies, and learn those thingsappertaining to manhood. Thou hast been here a year now, and hasthad freedom to do as thou might list; but, boy"--and the oldwarrior spoke seriously, almost solemnly--"upon thee doth restmatters of such great import that did I tell them to thee thoucouldst not grasp them. My Lord deems that thou hast, mayhap,promise beyond the common of men; ne'theless it remaineth yet tobe seen an he be right; it is yet to test whether that promisemay be fulfilled. Next Monday I and Sir Everard Willoughby takethee in hand to begin training thee in the knowledge and the useof the jousting lance, of arms, and of horsemanship. Thou art togo to Ralph Smith, and have him fit a suit of plain armor to theewhich he hath been charged to make for thee against this time. Soget thee gone, think well over all these matters, and preparethyself by next Monday. But stay, sirrah," he added, as Myles,dazed and bewildered, turned to obey; "breathe to no living soulwhat I ha' told thee--that my Lord is thy friend--neither speakof anything concerning him. Such is his own heavy command laidupon thee."Then Myles turned again without a word to leave the room. But ashe reached the door Sir James stopped him a second time.

"Stay!" he called. "I had nigh missed telling thee somewhat else.

My Lord hath made thee a present this morning that thou wottestnot of. It is"--then he stopped for a few moments, perhaps toenjoy the full flavor of what he had to say--"it is a greatFlemish horse of true breed and right mettle; a horse such as aknight of the noblest strain might be proud to call his own.

Myles Falworth, thou wert born upon a lucky day!""Sir," cried Myles, and then stopped short. Then, "Sir," he criedagain, "didst thou say it--the horse--was to be mine?""Aye, it is to be thine."

"My very own?"

"Thy very own."

How Myles Falworth left that place he never knew. He was like onein some strange, some wonderful dream. He walked upon air, andhis heart was so full of joy and wonder and amazement that itthrilled almost to agony. Of course his first thought was ofGascoyne. How he ever found him he never could tell, but find himhe did.

"Come, Francis!" he cried, "I have that to tell thee somarvellous that had it come upon me from paradise it could not bemore strange."Then he dragged him away to their Eyry--it had been many a longday since they had been there--and to all his friend's speeches,to all his wondering questions, he answered never a word untilthey had climbed the stairs, and so come to their old haunt. Thenhe spoke.

"Sit thee down, Francis," said he, "till I tell thee that whichpasseth wonder." As Gascoyne obeyed, he himself stood lookingabout him. "This is the last time I shall ever come hither," saidhe. And thereupon he poured out his heart to his listening friendin the murmuring solitude of the airy height. He did not speak ofthe Earl, but of the wonderful new life that had thus suddenlyopened before him, with its golden future of limitless hopes, ofdazzling possibilities, of heroic ambitions. He told everything,walking up and down the while--for he could not remain quiet--hischeeks glowing and his eyes sparkling.

Gascoyne sat quite still, staring straight before him. He knewthat his friend was ruffling eagle pinions for a flight in whichhe could never hope to follow, and somehow his heart ached, forhe knew that this must be the beginning of the end of the dear,delightful friendship of the year past.

  • Our Village

    Our Village

  • 瑜伽师地论


  • 仲春纪


  • 扶天广圣如意灵签


  • 谴告篇


  • 重生:青梅劫


  • 丑后休夫


    明明在医院打点滴,醒来之后却跑到古代。死了娘,爹不爱,典型的可怜虫,还好有个丫鬟相依为命。生日过的好好的,老爹突然来了,要她参加选秀女。就凭她那副尊容?据说还是先皇钦点的,见鬼了,点她干什么啊。选就选吧,总之也选不上。京城出来个专杀秀女的变态,她很不幸成为靶子。人家一包春药灌下去,她就主动脱光衣服送上门。关键时刻跑出个‘大侠’救了她。非常倒霉,虽然没被变态糟蹋,最终还是失身了。罪魁祸首就是那个‘大侠’。残花败柳的她被家人逼着去选秀,很幸运失身之事被遮掩了过去。本以为以她人见人怕,花见花谢的尊容,绝对落选。很不幸,太后立排众议,将她留了下来。关键时刻,发现自己有了身孕,孩子他爹就是强奸自己那个混蛋.。到底要怎么办?这个孩子到底要把要呢。一咬牙,要吧,孩子无辜啊。为了不让自己怀孕的事露馅,干脆得罪皇帝,进冷宫安胎。哎,无宠的日子难过啊,今天这个找麻烦,明天那个来羞辱,还要隐瞒自己怀孕的事实,难啊。不知道太后是不是吃错药,对她好的没话说,什么事都替她扛了。无宠妃子做的好好的,太后非要立她做皇后。皇后还没做,后宫那帮女人就虎视耽耽,她不干了,辞职。带了珠宝丫鬟,夜半三更去翻墙。被逮到了,打进冷宫。太后一哭二闹三上吊,又给弄了出来。宫廷冷清,朝堂寂寞,她的小日子还真是不寂寞,和八王爷对对诗,与侍卫统领打打架,今天跟这个逃跑,明天跟那个似奔,皇帝气的想掐死她。侍寝之夜,直接将皇帝暴打一顿逃离皇宫,顺便送上休书一封。“皇帝小子,本宫决定红杏出墙,特地休了你”看看,哪有这样的女人?很不幸,还没跑出皇宫呢,又被逮回来了。盛怒下打了她 10大板,太后气病,八王爷大闹,御前侍卫统领兼好兄弟要辞职,这个丑女人是妖精啊,到最后,连高高在上的皇帝都给拐了去。本文是小丫头的拙作,纯粹自娱。若是看了以后想吐的话,我可不提供酸梅哦!QQ群1:13534516QQ群2:35314648QQ群3 46188156很多书友已经报名客串了,下面公布一下,位报名的赶快了,名额有有限。蓝泪----书友蓝色深海之泪客串逸风公子-----书友逸风客串绝魅公子--------书友親親伱ぶ嘴客串玉情公主(齐玉情)----书友青山Vs绿水 客串秋天-------书友秋天的日记客串赵紫雪(淑妃)-----书友紫雪客串洛思萦-------书友思萦客串水无香-----书友真水无香客串
  • 嘻游艳记


  • 初夏遇见他


  • 末日到来之浩劫


  • 查理九世之奇幻的冒险


  • 传说的缔造者


  • 风中花落


  • 炼鬼人事


  • 满城尽待牡丹开

