

Anna Leopoldowna had hardly left the room in which she had been surprised and captured, when Lestocq turned to Grunstein with a new order.

"Now," said he, in an undertone to him--"now hasten to seize the emperor. This little Ivan must be annihilated."Elizabeth had overheard these words, and remembering Anna's last prayer, she exclaimed with vehemence:

"No, no, I say, he shall not be annihilated! Woe to him who injures a hair of his head! I will not be the murderer of an innocent child!

Take him prisoner, get him in your power, but in him respect the child and the emperor! Tear him not forcibly from his slumber, but protect his sleep! Poor child, destined to suffer so early!""No weakness now, princess," whispered Lestocq; "show yourself great and firm, else all is lost! Come away from here, that the sight of this child may not yet more enfeeble your heart. Come, much more remains to be done."And, reverently taking Elizabeth's hand, he led her to the door.

"Now do your duty," said he to Grunstein. "Seize young Ivan.""But remember my command, and spare him," said Elizabeth, slowly and hesitatingly leaving the chamber.

"Now to Ivan!" Grunstein commanded his soldiers, and with them he hastened to the sleeping-room of the young emperor.

There deep stillness and undisturbed peace yet prevailed. Only the waiting-women were awakened, and had hastily fled in search of concealment and safety. They had left the young emperor entirely alone, and he had not been awakened by the disturbance all around him.

He lay quietly in his splendid cradle, which was placed upon a sort of estrade in the centre of the room, dimly lighted by a lamp suspended from the ceiling by golden chains. This slumbering, smiling, childish face, peeping forth from the green silk coverings of the pillows, resembled a fresh, bursting rosebud. It was a sight that inspired respect even in those rough soldiers.

Devoutly staring, they at first remained at the door of the room; then slowly, and stepping on the points of their toes, they approached nearer and surrounded the cradle. But, remembering the words of their new empress, "Spare his sleep," no one dared to touch the child, or awaken him from his slumber.

In close order the bearded warriors pressed around the cradle of the imperial child, leaning upon their halberds, watching for his awaking.

It was a rare and admirable picture. In the centre, upon its estrade, was the splendid cradle of the slumbering child, and all around, upon the steps of this child-throne, these soldiers with their wild and threatening faces, all eyes expectantly resting upon the smiling infantile brow.

The door now opened, and, her face pallid with terror, Ivan's nurse rushed into the room and to the cradle of her imperial nursling. The soldiers, with imperious glances, beckoned her to await in silence, like themselves, the awakening of the emperor. The poor woman spoke not, but her fast-flowing tears indicated the depth of her grief.

Time passes. As if under enchantment, earnest, immovable, silent, stand the soldiers. Behind the cradle, her eyes and arms raised imploringly toward heaven, stands the nurse, while the child continues to slumber, smiling in its sleep.

At the expiration of an hour thus passed, the imperial infant moves, throws up its little rosy arms, opens its eyes--it is awake!

A cry of triumph escapes the lips of all the soldiers--all arms were stretched forth to seize him who, an hour before, had been their lord and emperor.

The child, frightened by the aspect of these rough soldiers, bursts out into a cry of alarm, and stretches out its little arms toward its nurse.

She takes him in her arms and weeps over him. The frightened child buries its little face in the bosom of his nurse, and the soldiers now convey them both to the waiting sledges. The dethroned emperor is quickly transported to the dethroned regent at Elizabeth's palace, who, with hot tears, clasps her son to her heart.

  • 安宁重生带系统


  • 石头的爱


  • 陌缘结


  • 来自地狱的少女阎魔爱


  • 春风十里不及婚纱的你


  • 家庭医生(家庭健康生活)


  • 苍渡劫


  • 深渊的恶魔


  • 【速更】特工狂妃:宠冠三宫六院


    新婚之夜,他掀开喜帕,面对的却是新娘冰冷匕首。 他说:“女人,你该死!” 她笑,妩媚杀戮:“是吗?我也觉得。但在这之前,皇上也死一次看看吧!” 他是南国帝王,她是传奇皇后。她给了他天下,他毁了她一切。 再见时,他依旧傲立天下,她却成了他国王妃,嫁于傻子王爷。选妃宴上,他说:“生或者死,你只能是我的!” 她说:“我爱或者恨,你都不配拥有半点!” 人人都道她是世间最无情的人,唯有一人,笑颜隽永,执手偕老。当世界上最黑暗与最光明碰撞,谁会为了谁堕入万劫不复?当最干净的无情遇见最冷漠的有情,天地沉浮,三千宫闱,吾主天下!祸国终章,愿以幸福掩卷,或不能忘。
  • 英雄联盟之韩服王者

