

The best that we can say to him is this: Let him choose a motive, whether of character or passion; carefully construct his plot so that every incident is an illustration of the motive, and every property employed shall bear to it a near relation of congruity or contrast; avoid a sub-plot, unless, as sometimes in Shakespeare, the sub-plot be a reversion or complement of the main intrigue;suffer not his style to flag below the level of the argument; pitch the key of conversation, not with any thought of how men talk in parlours, but with a single eye to the degree of passion he may be called on to express; and allow neither himself in the narrative nor any character in the course of the dialogue, to utter one sentence that is not part and parcel of the business of the story or the discussion of the problem involved. Let him not regret if this shortens his book; it will be better so; for to add irrelevant matter is not to lengthen but to bury. Let him not mind if he miss a thousand qualities, so that he keeps unflaggingly in pursuit of the one he has chosen. Let him not care particularly if he miss the tone of conversation, the pungent material detail of the day's manners, the reproduction of the atmosphere and the environment.

These elements are not essential: a novel may be excellent, and yet have none of them; a passion or a character is so much the better depicted as it rises clearer from material circumstance. In this age of the particular, let him remember the ages of the abstract, the great books of the past, the brave men that lived before Shakespeare and before Balzac. And as the root of the whole matter, let him bear in mind that his novel is not a transcript of life, to be judged by its exactitude; but a simplification of some side or point of life, to stand or fall by its significant simplicity. For although, in great men, working upon great motives, what we observe and admire is often their complexity, yet underneath appearances the truth remains unchanged: that simplification was their method, and that simplicity is their excellence.

Since the above was written another novelist has entered repeatedly the lists of theory: one well worthy of mention, Mr. W. D. Howells;and none ever couched a lance with narrower convictions. His own work and those of his pupils and masters singly occupy his mind; he is the bondslave, the zealot of his school; he dreams of an advance in art like what there is in science; he thinks of past things as radically dead; he thinks a form can be outlived: a strange immersion in his own history; a strange forgetfulness of the history of the race! Meanwhile, by a glance at his own works (could he see them with the eager eyes of his readers) much of this illusion would be dispelled. For while he holds all the poor little orthodoxies of the day - no poorer and no smaller than those of yesterday or to-morrow, poor and small, indeed, only so far as they are exclusive - the living quality of much that he has done is of a contrary, I had almost said of a heretical, complexion. Aman, as I read him, of an originally strong romantic bent - a certain glow of romance still resides in many of his books, and lends them their distinction. As by accident he runs out and revels in the exceptional; and it is then, as often as not, that his reader rejoices - justly, as I contend. For in all this excessive eagerness to be centrally human, is there not one central human thing that Mr. Howells is too often tempted to neglect: Imean himself? A poet, a finished artist, a man in love with the appearances of life, a cunning reader of the mind, he has other passions and aspirations than those he loves to draw. And why should he suppress himself and do such reverence to the Lemuel Barkers? The obvious is not of necessity the normal; fashion rules and deforms; the majority fall tamely into the contemporary shape, and thus attain, in the eyes of the true observer, only a higher power of insignificance; and the danger is lest, in seeking to draw the normal, a man should draw the null, and write the novel of society instead of the romance of man.

  • 挥墨染尘


  • tfboys梦一场而已


  • 都市诡话1


  • 古杭杂记


  • 官道


    某省文化厅。 王副厅长行将退休,厅里上下对此心知肚明。谁会是接班人?几个处长都在摩拳擦掌。老干部处处长有先天优势,他对厅长和几个副厅长的生辰八字了然于心,甚至比对自己父亲的生日还要清楚。现在,王副厅长终于要退了,这是一个机会,尤其是老千部处处长的机会。$$接着,一场围绕争夺副厅长位子的好戏提前上演……$$《官道》从文化厅大小官员各自的为官之道展开叙述,人物形象逼真,生活气息浓郁,描写细腻生动。在批判现实主义风格中融会自然主义,机智、巧妙而又不失深刻,读来酣畅淋漓。
  • 傲血传说


  • 抱歉我演技太好


  • 神的孩子记得吗·Loveless


    他说:“我一直相信我们会重新相遇,不管你走得多远,这个信念,强盛到可以令命运之轮发生逆转,如果天要惩罚我的狂傲,那就叛天吧!” 他说:“如果这世界上的眼泪和笑容是一样多的,有人微笑就一定会有人流泪,如果能让你一直微笑,那么所有的悲伤,就让我独自一人来承担吧。”而她说:“天底下最难的事,好像就是爱上一个人。可是,我可以拒绝爱,却似乎不能拒绝你。” 一起看过的花谢了又开,从指缝里看见的天蓝得像谁的眼睛?有人为了守护幸福而存在,亦有人为了成全真爱而离开。这些,神的孩子全都记得吗?
  • 梓归


  • 醉红尘之霍乱战歌

