

RAPT, carry away RAPT, enraptured RASCAL, young or inferior deer RASH, strike with a glancing oblique blow, as a boar with its tusk RATSEY, GOMALIEL, a famous highwayman RAVEN, devour REACH, understand REAL, regal REBATU, ruff, turned-down collar RECTOR, RECTRESS, director, governor REDARGUE, confute REDUCE, bring back REED, rede, counsel, advice REEL, run riot REFEL, refute REFORMADOES, disgraced or disbanded soldiers REGIMENT, government REGRESSION, return REGULAR ("Tale of a Tub"), regular noun (quibble) (N.E.D.)RELIGION, "make -- of," make a point of, scruple of RELISH, savour REMNANT, scrap of quotation REMORA, species of fish RENDER, depict, exhibit, show REPAIR, reinstate REPETITION, recital, narration REREMOUSE, bat RESIANT, resident RESIDENCE, sediment RESOLUTION, judgment, decision RESOLVE, inform; assure; prepare, make up one's mind; dissolve; come to a decision, be convinced; relax, set at ease RESPECTIVE, worthy of respect; regardful, discriminative RESPECTIVELY, with reverence RESPECTLESS, regardless RESPIRE, exhale; inhale RESPONSIBLE, correspondent REST, musket-rest REST, "set up one's --," venture one's all, one's last stake (from game of primero)REST, arrest RESTIVE, RESTY, dull, inactive RETCHLESS(NESS), reckless(ness)RETIRE, cause to retire RETRICATO, fencing term RETRIEVE, rediscovery of game once sprung RETURNS, ventures sent abroad, for the safe return of which so much money is received REVERBERATE, dissolve or blend by reflected heat REVERSE, REVERSO, back-handed thrust, etc., in fencing REVISE, reconsider a sentence RHEUM, spleen, caprice RIBIBE, abusive term for an old woman RID, destroy, do away with RIFLING, raffling, dicing RING, "cracked within the --," coins so cracked were unfit for currency RISSE, risen, rose RIVELLED, wrinkled ROARER, swaggerer ROCHET, fish of the gurnet kind ROCK, distaff RODOMONTADO, braggadocio ROGUE, vagrant, vagabond RONDEL, "a round mark in the score of a public-house" (Nares); roundel ROOK, sharper; fool, dupe ROSAKER, similar to ratsbane ROSA-SOLIS, a spiced spirituous liquor ROSES, rosettes ROUND, "gentlemen of the --," officers of inferior rank ROUND TRUNKS, trunk hose, short loose breeches reaching almost or quite to the knees ROUSE, carouse, bumper ROVER, arrow used for shooting at a random mark at uncertain distance ROWLY-POWLY, roly-poly RUDE, RUDENESS, unpolished, rough(ness), coarse(ness)RUFFLE, flaunt, swagger RUG, coarse frieze RUG-GOWNS, gown made of rug RUSH, reference to rushes with which the floors were then strewn RUSHER, one who strewed the floor with rushes RUSSET, homespun cloth of neutral or reddish-brown colour SACK, loose, flowing gown SADLY, seriously, with gravity SAD(NESS), sober, serious(ness)SAFFI, bailiffs ST. THOMAS A WATERINGS, place in Surrey where criminals were executed SAKER, small piece of ordnance SALT, leap SALT, lascivious SAMPSUCHINE, sweet marjoram SARABAND, a slow dance SATURNALS, began December 17SAUCINESS, presumption, insolence SAUCY, bold, impudent, wanton SAUNA (Lat.), a gesture of contempt SAVOUR, perceive; gratify, please; to partake of the nature SAY, sample SAY, assay, try SCALD, word of contempt, implying dirt and disease SCALLION, shalot, small onion SCANDERBAG, "name which the Turks (in allusion to Alexander the Great) gave to the brave Castriot, chief of Albania, with whom they had continual wars.

His romantic life had just been translated" (Gifford)SCAPE, escape SCARAB, beetle SCARTOCCIO, fold of paper, cover, cartouch, cartridge SCONCE, head SCOPE, aim SCOT AND LOT, tax, contribution (formerly a parish assessment)SCOTOMY, dizziness in the head SCOUR, purge SCOURSE, deal, swap SCRATCHES, disease of horses SCROYLE, mean, rascally fellow SCRUPLE, doubt SEAL, put hand to the giving up of property or rights SEALED, stamped as genuine SEAM-RENT, ragged SEAMING LACES, insertion or edging SEAR UP, close by searing, burning SEARCED, sifted SECRETARY, able to keep a secret SECULAR, worldly, ordinary, commonplace SECURE, confident SEELIE, happy, blest SEISIN, legal term: possession SELLARY, lewd person SEMBLABLY, similarly SEMINARY, a Romish priest educated in a foreign seminary SENSELESS, insensible, without sense or feeling SENSIBLY, perceptibly SENSIVE, sensitive SENSUAL, pertaining to the physical or material SERENE, harmful dew of evening SERICON, red tincture SERVANT, lover SERVICES, doughty deeds of arms SESTERCE, Roman copper coin SET, stake, wager SET UP, drill SETS, deep plaits of the ruff SEWER, officer who served up the feast, and brought water for the hands of the guests SHAPE, a suit by way of disguise SHIFT, fraud, dodge SHIFTER, cheat SHITTLE, shuttle; "shittle-cock," shuttlecock SHOT, tavern reckoning SHOT-CLOG, one only tolerated because he paid the shot (reckoning) for the rest SHOT-FREE, scot-free, not having to pay SHOVE-GROAT, low kind of gambling amusement, perhaps somewhat of the nature of pitch and toss SHOT-SHARKS, drawers SHREWD, mischievous, malicious, curst SHREWDLY, keenly, in a high degree SHRIVE, sheriff; posts were set up before his door for proclamations, or to indicate his residence SHROVING, Shrovetide, season of merriment SIGILLA, seal, mark SILENCED BRETHERN, MINISTERS, those of the Church or Nonconformists who had been silenced, deprived, etc.

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