

LOR. SE. My labouring spirit being late opprest With my son's folly, can embrace no rest Till it hath plotted by advice and skill, How to reduce him from affected will To reason's manage; which while I intend, My troubled soul begins to apprehend A farther secret, and to meditate Upon the difference of man's estate:

Where is decipher'd to true judgment's eye A deep, conceal'd, and precious mystery.

Yet can I not but worthily admire At nature's art: who (when she did inspire This beat of life) placed Reason (as a king)Here in the head, to have the marshalling Of our affections: and with sovereignty To sway the state of our weak empery.

But as in divers commonwealths we see, The form of government to disagree:

Even so in man, who searcheth soon shall find As much or more variety of mind.

Some men's affections like a sullen wife, Is with her husband reason still at strife.

Others (like proud arch-traitors that rebel Against their sovereign) practise to expel Their liege Lord Reason, and not shame to tread Upon his holy and anointed head.

But as that land or nation best doth thrive, Which to smooth-fronted peace is most proclive, So doth that mind, whose fair affections ranged By reason's rules, stand constant and unchanged, Else, if the power of reason be not such, Why do we attribute to him so much?

Or why are we obsequious to his law, If he want spirit our affects to awe?

Oh no, I argue weakly, he is strong, Albeit my son have done him too much wrong.


MUS. My master: nay, faith, have at you: I am flesh'd now I have sped so well: Gentleman, I beseech you respect the estate of a poor soldier; I am ashamed of this base course of life, (God's my comfort) but extremity provokes me to't; what remedy?

LOR. SE. I have not for you now.

MUS. By the faith I bear unto God, gentleman, it is no ordinary custom, but only to preserve manhood. I protest to you, a man I have been, a man Imay be, by your sweet bounty.

LOR. SE. I pray thee, good friend, be satisfied.

MUS. Good Signior: by Jesu, you may do the part of a kind gentleman, in lending a poor soldier the price of two cans of beer, a matter of small value, the King of heaven shall pay you, and I shall rest thankful: sweet Signior --LOR. SE. Nay, an you be so importunate --MUS. O Lord, sir, need will have his course: I was not made to this vile use; well, the edge of the enemy could not have abated me so much: it's hard when a man hath served in his Prince's cause and be thus. Signior, let me derive a small piece of silver from you, it shall not be given in the course of time, by this good ground, I was fain to pawn my rapier last night for a poor supper, I am a Pagan else: sweet Signior --LOR. SE. Believe me, I am rapt with admiration, To think a man of thy exterior presence Should (in the constitution of the mind)Be so degenerate, infirm, and base.

Art thou a man? and sham'st thou not to beg?

To practise such a servile kind of life?

Why, were thy education ne'er so mean, Having thy limbs? a thousand fairer courses Offer themselves to thy election.

Nay, there the wars might still supply thy wants, Or service of some virtuous gentleman, Or honest labour; nay, what can I name, But would become thee better than to beg?

But men of your condition feed on sloth, As doth the Scarab on the dung she breeds in, Not caring how the temper of your spirits Is eaten with the rust of idleness.

Now, afore God, whate'er he be that should Relieve a person of thy quality, While you insist in this loose desperate course, I would esteem the sin not thine, but his.

MUS. Faith, Signior, I would gladly find some other course, if so.

LOR. SE. Ay, you'd gladly find it, but you will not seek it.

MUS. Alas, sir, where should a man seek? in the wars, there's no ascent by desert in these days, but -- and for service, would it were as soon purchased as wish'd for, (God's my comfort) I know what I would say.

LOR. SE. What's thy name?

MUS. Please you: Portensio.

LOR. SE. Portensio?

Say that a man should entertain thee now, Would thou be honest, humble, just, and true?

MUS. Signior: by the place and honour of a soldier --LOR. SE. Nay, nay, I like not these affected oaths;Speak plainly, man: what thinkst thou of my words?

MUS. Nothing, Signior, but wish my fortunes were as happy as my service should be honest.

LOR. SE. Well, follow me, I'll prove thee, if thy deeds Will carry a proportion to thy words.


MUS. Yes, sir, straight, I'll but garter my hose; oh, that my belly were hoop'd now, for I am ready to burst with laughing. 'Slid, was there ever seen a fox in years to betray himself thus? now shall I be possest of all his determinations, and consequently my young master; well, he is resolved to prove my honesty: faith, and I am resolved to prove his patience: oh, I shall abuse him intolerably: this small piece of service will bring him clean out of love with the soldier for ever. It's no matter, let the world think me a bad counterfeit, if I cannot give him the slip at an instant;why, this is better than to have stayed his journey by half: well, I'll follow him. Oh, how I long to be employed.

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