

As to Friedrich Wilhelm, his plan in 1717, as all along, in this bewitched state of matters, was: To fortify his Frontier Towns;Memel, Wesel, to the right and left, especially to fortify Stettin, his new acquisition;--and to put his Army, and his Treasury (or Army-CHEST), more and more in order. In that way we shall better meet whatever goblins there may be, thinks Friedrich Wilhelm. Count Lottum, hero of the Prussians at Malplaquet, is doing his scientific uttermost in Stettin and those Frontier Towns. For the rest, his Majesty, invited by the Czar and France, has been found willing to make paction with them, as he is with all pacific neighbors. In fact, the Czar and he had their private Conference, at Havelberg, last year,--Havelberg, some sixty miles from Berlin, on the road towards Denmark, as Peter was passing that way;--ample Conference of. five days; [23d-28th November, 1716: Fassmann, p. 172.]--privately agreeing there, about many points conducive to tranquillity. And it was on that same errand, though ostensibly to look after Art and the higher forms of Civilization so called, that Peter had been to France on this celebrated occasion of 1717. We know he saw much Art withal;saw Marly, Trianon and the grandeurs and politenesses;--saw, among other things, "a Medal of himself fall accidentally at his feet;"polite Medal "just getting struck in the Mint, with a rising sun on it; and the motto, VIRES ACQUIRIT EUNDO." [Voltaire, <italic>

OEuvres Completes (Histoire du Czar Pierre), <end italic> xxxi.

336.--Kohler in <italic> Munzbelustigungen, xvii. 386-392 (this very MEDAL the subject), gives authentic account, day by day, of the Czar's visit there.] Ostensibly it was to see CETTE BELLEFRANCE; but privately withal the Czar wished to make his bargain, with the Regent d'Orleans, as to these goblins walking in the Northern and Southern parts, and what was to be done with them.

And the result has been, the Czar, Friedrich Wilhelm and the said Regent have just concluded an Agreement; [4th August, 1717;Buchholz, i. 43.] undertaking in general, that the goblins shall be well watched; that they Three will stand by one another in watching them. And now the Czar will visit Berlin in passing homewards again. That is the position of affairs, when he pays this visit. Peter had been in Berlin more than once before;but almost always in a succinct rapid condition; never with his "Court" about him till now. This is his last, and by far his greatest, appearance in Berlin.

Such a transit, of the Barbaric semi-fabulous Sovereignties, could not but be wonderful to everybody there. It evidently struck Wilhelmina's fancy, now in her ninth year, very much. What her little Brother did in it, or thought of it, I nowhere find hinted;conclude only that it would remain in his head too, visible occasionally to the end of his life. Wilhelmina's Narrative, very loose, dateless or misdated, plainly wrong in various particulars, has still its value for us: human eyes, even a child's, are worth something, in comparison to human want-of-eyes, which is too frequent in History-books and elsewhere!--Czar Peter is now forty-five, his Czarina Catherine about thirty-one. It was in 1698that he first passed this way, going towards Saardam and practical Ship-building: within which twenty years what a spell of work done! Victory of Pultawa is eight years behind him; [27th June, 1709.] victories in many kinds are behind him: by this time he is to be reckoned a triumphant Czar; and is certainly the strangest mixture of heroic virtue and brutish Samoeidic savagery the world at any time had.

It was Sunday, 19th September, 1717, when the Czar arrived in Berlin. Being already sated with scenic parades, he had begged to be spared all ceremony; begged to be lodged in Monbijou, the Queen's little Garden-Palace with river and trees round it, where he hoped to be quietest. Monbijou has been set apart accordingly;the Queen, not in the benignest humor, sweeping all her crystals and brittle things away; knowing the manners of the Muscovites.

Nor in the way of ceremony was there much: King and Queen drove out to meet him; rampart-guns gave three big salvos, as the Czarish Majesty stept forth. "I am glad to see you, my Brother Friedrich," said Peter, in German, his only intelligible language;shaking hands with the Brother Majesty, in a cordial human manner.

The Queen he, still more cordially, "would have kissed;" but this she evaded, in some graceful effective way. As to the Czarina,--who, for OBSTETRIC and other reasons, of no moment to us, had stayed in Wesel all the time he was in France,--she followed him now at two days' distance; not along with him, as Wilhelmina has it. Wilhelmina says, she kissed the Queen's hand, and again and again kissed it; begged to present her Ladies,--"about four hundred so-called Ladies, who were of her Suite."--Surely not so many as four hundred, you too witty Princess? "Mere German serving-maids for the most part," says the witty Princess; "Ladies when there is occasion, then acting aa chambermaids, cooks, washerwomen, when that is over."Queen Sophie was averse to salute these creatures; but the Czarina Catherine making reprisals upon our Margravines, and the King looking painfully earnest in it, she prevailed upon herself.

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    她,言颜,美丽不失聪明,从小虽失去父母却在父母世交好友柯家的照顾下幸福的成长着,出国两年结束初恋带着一身伤回到香港,生活有了一个新的开端。她阴差阳错不得已成了没有任何血源关系的柯家大哥的未婚妻,他的温柔让她无限迷恋渐渐模糊的心里原本的脸孔。柯剑凯,柯家长子现任公司总裁,他对所有人都是冰冷,唯独对她温柔体贴,他爱她,很早就开始爱着他,他发誓他今生今世的妻只会是她。还有那个张老师到底是什么身份?无赖这个词简直为他而造的,年纪轻轻知道的却不少?一想就知道不是好人,而他却告诉言颜,他爱上她了。天啊世界要乱了套了!!雷诺,言颜的前男友似乎嫌不够乱又不远万里从英国回来插上一脚。一个爱如水明,温暖着她的心,她的心却因此激起万丈涟漪。他说“颜颜,今生今世我柯剑凯的妻非你莫属,无论你的心徘徊在哪里,我柯剑凯今生只为你拥有温柔。我爱你,不是因为爸爸和妈妈,只因为我的心,很早就已经遗落在你的身上收不回,爱上你我今生不悔!”一个爱如烈酒,来的轰轰烈烈,他的爱带着目的,带着仇恨,让她慌恐。他说“颜颜我不小心爱上你了怎么办?我一定要得到你,就算背负世界的悖论我也要爱! 他,柯剑凯不配拥有你!”而他,在失去她一次后还能在挽回她吗?雷诺拖着疲倦的身躯问:“颜颜,失去你我还能再拥你入怀吗啊?为什么你要这么狠心的把我从你的生活里除去?我爱你,我还爱你,我会一直爱着你。”谁才是她的归属? 要怎么选择?亲们请相信莫莫本文一定精彩,包括校园生活,社会,还有黑道的刺激,后面还有些是带点虐的,但是虐的是精神而已嘿嘿,请大家多多支持我!
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