


Thorbjorn Angle was now at home in Vidvik, much put out at not having been able to overcome Grettir. When about a week had passed from the day when the old woman had bewitched the log, she came to speak with Thorbjorn and asked whether he did not mean to visit Grettir. He said there was nothing about which he was more determined.

"But do you wish to meet him, foster-mother?" he asked.

"I have no intention of meeting him," she said; "I have sent him my greeting, which I expect he has received. But I advise you to set off at once and go quickly to see him, otherwise it will not be your fate to overcome him."He replied: "I have made so many inglorious journeys there that I am not going again. This weather is reason enough; it would not be possible, however pressing it were.""You are indeed without counsel if you see not through these wiles. Now, I will advise you. First go and collect men; ride to your brother-in-law Halldor in Hof and get help from him. Is it too wild a thing to suppose that I may have to do with this breeze that is now playing?"Thorbjorn thought it might be that the woman saw further than he supposed, so he sent through the country for men. Answer came very quickly that none of those who had given up their shares would do anything to help him. They said that both the island and the Grettir affair were Thorbjorn's. Tungu-Steinn gave him two men, Hjalti his brother three, Eirik in Guddal sent him one.

Of his own he had six. These twelve rode out from Vidvik to Hof, where Halldor invited them to stay and asked their news.

Thorbjorn told him everything fully. Halldor asked who had done it all; he said his foster-mother had urged him much.

"That will lead to no good. She is a sorceress, and sorcery is now forbidden.""I cannot overlook everything," said Thorbjorn; "I am determined that it shall now be brought to an end somehow. But how shall Igo to work to get on to the island?""It seems to me," said Halldor, "that you are relying upon something, but I know not whether it is anything good. If you want to accomplish anything go out to my friend Bjorn in Haganes in Fljot. He has a good boat; ask him from me to lend it to you, and then you will be able to sail on to Drangey. It seems to me that if you find Grettir well and hearty your journey will have been in vain. One thing know for certain: do not slay him in open fight, for there are enough men to avenge him. Do not slay Illugi if you can help it. I fear that my counsel may not appear altogether Christian."Halldor then gave him six men; one was named Kar, another Thorleif, the third Brand. The names of the others are not mentioned.

These eighteen men then went to Fljot, reached Haganes, and gave Halldor's message to Bjorn. He said it was his duty to do it for Halldor's sake, but that he was under no obligation to Thorbjorn.

He said it was an insane journey to make, and tried hard to dissuade them. They answered that they could not turn back, so they went down to the sea and launched the boat, which was ready with all her gear in the boat-house. Then they made ready to sail. All those who were standing on the shore thought it impossible to cross. They hoisted the sail and the boat was soon under way, far out in the fjord. When they got right out to sea the weather quieted and was no longer too heavy. In the evening as it was getting dark they reached Drangey.

  • 生在中国(下卷):复生时代


    本书以一个家族的兴衰史为线索,真实展现了中国人追求国家富强、民族独立、政治民主、文化发达、精神自由的勇敢抗争历程。伟大烈士的功名、平凡儿女的恩怨、丰富的社会生活、朴素的人生感受,都随着小说情节的整体推移、在古旧中国现代中国发展的曲折坎坷过程中生动、细致地呈现出来。“《生在中国》堪称“中国的《战争与和平》”、“中国的《尼伯龙根之歌》”;《生在中国》的作者文方女士可称为“当今林语堂”(中国新文学巨著《京华烟云》——Moment In Peking之作者)、“中国的玛格丽特?米切尔(Margaret Mitchell)”(美国名著《乱世佳人》——Gone With The Wind之作者)。”尊敬的书友,本书选载最精华部分供您阅读。留足悬念,同样精彩!
  • 缘本陌生


  • 残狼灰满


    人们大概只知道动物的天性无非是强者为王、弱肉强食、优胜劣汰和异类相残等等,却不大知道动物世界里也有智慧和情感,也有“伦理关系 ”和“道德情操”。这并不是小说家的杜撰。请看这本《残狼灰满》,那只已经断了两条右腿的残狼,如何仍然主宰着一群健狼;那只被猎人发现了老窝的公狐,如何保护自己的家族;那只由红奶羊奶大的狼崽,如何与同类反目;那只为保护后代安全的老狼,如何与金雕在蓝天拼搏…… 《残狼灰满》所收作品中有多篇获得全国奖。
  • 老师来找茬


  • 何日南风至


  • William the Conqueror

    William the Conqueror

  • 乾清界


  • 鬼医来袭,邪王请接招


  • 隐情:100个男女的人生操练


  • 守灵人:灵异事件薄

