

"I can't tell you much about it at this time," replied Nestor.

"I can only say that you ought to get out of the country immediately, and that Mexico is as good a place to go to as any other. I may be able to tell you something more after we are on our way.""Me, too!" cried Jimmie. "Me for Mexico. You can't lose me.""I'm sorry to say that you'll have to remain here," said Nestor, noting with regret the keen disappointment in the boy's face.

"After we leave the building you must call a surgeon and see that Mr. Cameron is cared for. The surgeon will call the police if he thinks it advisable.""The cops will geezle me," wailed Jimmie.

"I think not," was the reply; "not if you tell them the truth.

Make it as easy for Fremont as you can by saying that he had been here only a minute when you came in, and that he had just entered the building. You may say, too, that we have gone out to look up a clue we found here, in the hope of discovering the assassin. Tell the truth, and they can't tangle you up.""They can lock me up," said the boy. "I'll call a surgeon an'

duck. You see if I don't. It is Mexico for mine.""I suppose you have the price?" laughed Nestor.

"I haven't got carfare to Brooklyn," was the laughing reply, "but that don't count with me. I guess I know something about traveling without money."Having thus arranged for the care of the unconscious man, and tried to console Jimmie for his great disappointment, Nestor and Fremont left the big building, seeing, as the latter supposed, no one on their way out. As they turned out of the Great White Way, still blazing with lights, directing their steps toward the East River, Fremont turned about and glanced with varying emotions at the brilliant scene he was leaving. He was parting, under a cloud, from the Great White Way and all that the fanciful title implied. He loved the rush and hum of the big city, and experienced, standing there in the night, a dread of the silent places he was soon to visit under such adverse conditions.

He loved the forest, too, and the plains and the mountains, but knew that the burden he was carrying away from the Cameron building would hang upon him like the Old-man-of-the-Sea until he was back in the big city again with a name free from suspicion.

Nestor stood waiting while the boy took his sorrowful look about the familiar scenes.

"I know what you're thinking about," he said, as they started on again. "You're sorry to go not entirely because you love the city, but because you feel as if you were turning coward in going at all.

You'll get over that as the case develops."

"I'm afraid it will be lonesome down there where we are going,"said Fremont. "I had planned something very different. The Black Bears were to go along, you know, and there was to be no fugitive-from-justice business.""Fugitive from injustice, you should say," said Nestor. "The Black Bears may come along after a time, too. Anyway, you'll find plenty of Boy Scouts on the border. I have an idea that Uncle Sam will have his hands full keeping them out of trouble.""He'll have a nest on his hands if they take a notion to flock over the Rio Grande," replied Fremont. "It is hard to keep a boy away from the front when there are campfires on the mountains."The two boys passed east to Second avenue, south to Twenty-third street, and there crossed the East River on the old Greenpoint ferry.

Still walking east, an hour before daylight they came to a cottage in the vicinity of Newtown Creek, and here Nestor paused and knocked gently on a door which seemed half hidden by creeping vines, which, leafless at that time of the year, rattled noisily in the wind.

The door was opened, presently, by a middle-aged lady of pleasant face and courteous manner. She held a night-lamp high above her night-capped head while she inspected the boys standing on the little porch. Nestor broke into a merry laugh.

"Are you thinking of burglars, Aunty Jane?" he asked. Then he added, "Burglars don't knock at doors, Aunty. They knock people on the head.""Well, of all things, Ned Nestor!" exclaimed the lady, in a tone which well matched her engaging face. "What are you doing here at this time of night?""I want to leave a friend here for the day," was the reply. "Come, Aunty, don't stand there with the lamp so high. You look like the Statue of Liberty. Let us in and get us something to eat. I'm hungry.""I suspected it" smiled the lady. "You always come to Aunty Jane when you are hungry, or when you've got some one you are hiding.

Well, come in. I'm getting used to your manners, Ned."The boys needed no second invitation to step inside out of the cold wind. After Fremont had been presented to Aunty Jane, they were shown to the sitting-room--an apartment warmed by a grate fire and looking as neat as wax--where they waited for the promised breakfast.

"She is a treasure, Aunty Jane White," explained Nestor, as the boys watched the cold March dawn creep up the sky. "She really is my aunt, you know, mother's sister. She knows all about my love for secret service work, and lets me bring my friends here when they want to keep out of sight.""You said something about leaving me here to-day," Fremont observed.

"Why are you thinking of doing that? Why not keep together, and both get out of the city?""I can't tell you now," Nestor replied, a serious look on his face.

  • 书辑


  • 温凉盏鼓词


  • 十善业道经


  • The Law and the Lady

    The Law and the Lady

  • 驯悍记


  • 掌心三月


  • 王魔仙奇幻寻宝记


  • 那年守护:谁的等待错缝花开


  • 构建学校规范化管理的方法


  • 邪魅少爷的正牌女友


  • 特工女票复仇记


  • 有生的瞬间遇见你


  • 从云


  • 罹凝之谜:邪魅冷王的甜宠


  • 倾尽一生,不能梦醒

