

'You cannot be too much on your guard. Risk any thing rather than her displeasure;and if you find it likely to be raised by your coming to us again,which I should think exceedingly probable,stay quietly at home,and be satisfied that we shall take no offence.'

'Believe me,my dear sir,my gratitude is warmly excited by such affectionate attention;and depend upon it,you will speedily receive from me a letter of thanks for this,as well as for every other mark of your regard during my stay in Hertfordshire. As for my fair cousins,though my absence may not be long enough to render it necessary,I shall now take the liberty of wishing them health and happiness,not excepting my cousin Elizabeth.'

With proper civilities the ladies then withdrew;all of them equally surprised to find that he meditated a quick return. Mrs.Bennet wished to understand by it that he thought of paying his addresses to one of her younger girls,and Mary might have beenprevailed on to accept him.She rated his abilities much higher than any of the others;there was a solidity in his reflections which often struck her,and though by no means so clever as herself,she thought that if encouraged to read and improve himself by such an example as her's,he might become a very agreeable companion.But on the following morning,every hope of this kind was done away.Miss Lucas called soon after breakfast,and in a private conference with Elizabeth related the event of the day before.

The possibility of Mr. Collins's fancying himself in love with her friend had once occurred to Elizabeth within the last day or two;but that Charlotte could encourage him,seemed almost as far from possibility as that she could encourage him herself,and her astonishment was consequently so great as to overcome at first the bounds of decorum,and she could not help crying out,

'Engaged to Mr. Collins!my dear Charlotte,—impossible!'

The steady countenance which Miss Lucas had commanded in telling her story,gave way to a momentary confusion here on receiving so direct a reproach;though,as it was no more than she expected,she soon regained her composure,and calmly replied,

'Why should you be surprised,my dear Eliza?—Do you think it incredible that Mr. Collins should be able to procure any woman's good opinion,because he was not so happy as to succeed with you?'

But Elizabeth had now recollected herself,and making a strong effort for it,was able to assure her with tolerable firmness that the prospect of their relationship was highly grateful to her,and that she wished her all imaginable happiness.

'I see what you are feeling,'replied Charlotte,—'you must be surprised,very much surprised,—so lately as Mr. Collins waswishing to marry you.But when you have had time to think it all over,I hope you will be satisfied with what I have done.I am not romantic you know.I never was.I ask only a comfortable home;and considering Mr.Collins's character,connections,and situation in life,I am convinced that my chance of happiness with him is as fair,as most people can boast on entering the marriage state.'

Elizabeth quietly answered'Undoubtedly;'—and after an awkward pause,they returned to the rest of the family. Charlotte did not stay much longer,and Elizabeth was then left to reflect on what she had heard.It was a long time before she became at all reconciled to the idea of so unsuitable a match.The strangeness of Mr.Collins's making two offers of marriage within three days,was nothing in comparison of his being now accepted.She had always felt that Charlotte's opinion of matrimony was not exactly like her own,but she could not have supposed it possible that when called into action,she would have sacrificed every better feeling to worldly advantage.Charlotte the wife of Mr.Collins,was a most humiliating picture!—And to the pang of a friend disgracing herself and sunk in her esteem,was added the distressing conviction that it was impossible for that friend to be tolerably happy in the lot she had chosen.


E lizabeth was sitting with her mother and sisters,reflect-ing on what she had heard,and doubting whether she were authorised to mention it,when Sir William Lucas himself appeared,sent by his daughter to announce her engagement to the family. With many compliments to them,and much self-gratulation on the prospect of a connection between the houses,he unfolded the matter,—to an audience not merely wondering,but incredulous:for Mrs.Bennet,with more perseverance than politeness,protested he must be entirely mistaken,and Lydia,always unguarded and often uncivil,boisterously exclaimed,

'Good Lord!Sir William,how can you tell such a story?—Do not you know that Mr. Collins wants to marry Lizzy?'

Nothing less than the complaisance of a courtier could have borne without anger such treatment:but Sir William's good breeding carried him through it all;and though he begged leave to be positive as to the truth of his information,he listened to all their impertinence with the most forbearing courtesy.

Elizabeth,feeling it incumbent on her to relieve him from so unpleasant a situation,now put herself forward to confirm his account,by mentioning her prior knowledge of it from Charlotte herself;and endeavoured to put a stop to the exclamations of her mother and sisters,by the earnestness of her congratulations to Sir William,in which she was readily joined by Jane,and by making a variety of remarks on the happiness that might beexpected from the match,the excellent character of Mr. Collins,and the convenient distance of Hunsford from London.

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  • 三论元旨


  • 佛说心明经


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  • 凤狂本色之江湖女帝


  • 故离


  • 火澜


  • 福妻驾到


  • 一生的伴侣


  • 易烊千玺你闹够了没有


  • 救猫咪:电影编剧宝典


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